Posted On:
Nov 28 2005 3:01am
Hey, im a newb and i need some help can someone explain all this tome
Posted On:
Nov 28 2005 3:39am
And when your done with that, Slaskia can fill up on...err...I meant she can fill you in on the rest.
Posted On:
Nov 28 2005 5:32am
Welcome to The Rebel Faction; use at your own risk.
I've just read your first post in the Astral Astoria forum. I suggest you re-read the rules, particularly as they apply to Force Users. As an opening post I'm tempted to send a real Sith in there just to show you what's what.
Good luck.
Posted On:
Nov 28 2005 7:45pm
Remember; Rebel and Kach suck.
Otaku isn't bad.
Slaskia eats n00bs (fair warning).
Beff Pike is an oddball.
Dondana will defend you.
Posted On:
Nov 28 2005 8:28pm
Well, considering how many noobs we've been getting...I've cut down to eating only the annoying ones. *glances Rebel's way*
Posted On:
Nov 28 2005 8:34pm
Hahaha, me defend an annoying noob? I was the one who correctly guessed when you were going to get banned.
Remember: Otaku just came off a weekend ban. Kach and Rebel, as annoying as they are, both didn't get banned yet. Who do you think is worse?