If you want to be a Shadow Jedi Master here, you'll have to bare yourself upon the force council. They'll run you through a sieries of tests, narcotic, steroid, diabetic, and then will decide if you're in fighting form!
You may have to alter your ranking a bit as TRF is kind of a stickler when it comes to the force (meaning they don't let just anyone play a Jedi "Master"), but we're certainly glad to have you. You can get that worked out with a member of the staff or Force Council.
Do not be deceived by the name... this is where all general RPing is done, not just "battles".
The Astral Astoria is also an RP forum set on a massive space station. It is geared to help beginners (and anyone interested) in introducing and developing their characters in a controlled setting. http://therebelfaction.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=113