New member
Posts: 154
  • Posted On: Jan 23 2005 1:01am
What's up player? Hope you enjoy your stay at TRF. :p
Posts: 400
  • Posted On: Jan 23 2005 3:45am
Ohh.... that sig....

My head hurts now...
Posts: 154
  • Posted On: Jan 23 2005 3:51am
Im the guy in the back...
Posts: 3599
  • Posted On: Jan 24 2005 3:19am
I thought that was Snoop?...
Posts: 2440
  • Posted On: Jan 24 2005 3:32am
Theres a hand behind Snoop Dogg.
  • Posted On: Jan 24 2005 3:54am
Vega wrote:
Just an observation, something I've noticed over five years in the SW RPing community. Trying to recruit people to join a Star Wars roleplay community, from another already active Star Wars roleplaying community, doesn't usually work. See, they already have their main place to play. They've been there for years, know the ropes, etc and don't tend to have the time or inclination to devote themselves to another community, let alone one struggling to get off the ground. You should try different kinds of message boards, maybe ones just full of Star Wars fans of the non-roleplaying variety, see if you can convert some of them.

Pick up newbies, not veterans. They'll stick around, and helping them out in the beginning will put you in good stead for dealing with future generations of no-brainers.

I wasn't aiming for vets in this specific case. I was aiming for experienced people...You could have a couple months -at TRF- but a couple years of experience in RPG in general, as long as you understand it and aren't some newb who's going to try to make a Jedi vampire, I don't care. Not everyone is going to be unwilling to join other boards. It depends on their personal preferences. I'm not saying that they have to join right away. I posted the link so they could check it out, maybe bookmark it, and if they wanted to eventually, they could join. I have six years experience in RPG, probably about four of which were spent creating RP's of my own, whether on message board or just in chat, and dealing with trying to get people to join. Part of the problem is that members don't tell their friends about the board all the time, which is nothing I can really help.

The link is there for anyone to look at and check out. At some point soon, we'll be completely starting it over...deleting all the forums (and it is not because of this argument) and starting anew, so it won't be seeable for a few days (depends since myself and the other admin that's revamping it with me are both in college) but hopefully the newer version will be easier to get around with.
  • Posted On: Jan 24 2005 3:58am
My dad isn't a HUGE fan of the Star Trek movies...I don't even know if he's seen any of the newer ones. I think I remember seeing Contact in theaters...And I used to watch some of the TV show when it was on with my dad...I remember watching an episode with young Captain Kirk...And I remember watching one episode of The Next Generation with...This black...Thing that looked like tar but it talked and it took some of the members of the crew captive. That's about all of my knowledge of Star Trek, other than..."Live long and prosper". I know some of the names of the characters, too. Commander Reiker, Captain Kirk, Data, Worf...I can't remember the name of the guy who wears that...viser-type-thing over his eyes...And...I can't remember the name of the doctor with the orange hair...And the lady with the curly black hair that...I think was in love with Reiker...And I remember something about the lady with the black hair having a son.


I will never turn to the Trekkie side, no matter how much I seem to remember about it!
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Jan 24 2005 6:49am
I don't know... you seem to know alot...

  • Posted On: Jan 24 2005 3:16pm
But that's all just based on the top of my memory. I don't sit down and watch TNG every single night like some Trekkies do. I'm more of a dark Trekkie.

o_O I need to stop with the Star Wars analogies.
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Jan 24 2005 6:55pm
Yeah, that was real gay.