So. I was just been browsing a forum that, given yesterday's release of a very popualar new novel, is absolutely overloaded with users. The result, of course, is that now and then posts can't be put through.
But the board does the remarkable thing of saving your post data and allowing you to copy and paste it. Rather nice, I thought, saved me typing out a reply again.
It's In Vision Powerboard, but I wonder if vB has something along those lines? I'm sure people would appreciate it (esp. those of us who post "cold turkey").
But the board does the remarkable thing of saving your post data and allowing you to copy and paste it. Rather nice, I thought, saved me typing out a reply again.
It's In Vision Powerboard, but I wonder if vB has something along those lines? I'm sure people would appreciate it (esp. those of us who post "cold turkey").