Welcome! I'm new as well. ;] I can't say much for advice, but don't forget to read all the Rules and FAQ. :]
Howdy Ho
Howdy ho, neighborino.
Welcome to TRF! Enjoy your stay.
French speaker by birth ? Oh yum. I like you already.
Welcome to TRF Crispy.
Any questions feel free to ask away.
Any questions feel free to ask away.
Welcome; hope you enjoy your stay.
'Allo there.
I can speak french!
Why thanks all
I see some people ca nspeak french as well, seems nice. I read the rules quickly and i'll go more intensively soon trough them.
I see some people ca nspeak french as well, seems nice. I read the rules quickly and i'll go more intensively soon trough them.
Actually, anyone can speak anything online, so long as they have a translator. That's where all the French and German on this board comes from.