Hey all, this is Tatane... or Tatane's alt. I couldn't resist, and had to make my Sith character. Don't worry, I can keep up with both. Chances are that I will be posting quite frequently with both characters.
So, I suppose I posted here to ask what your reccomendation was. Where exactly should I begin with a Sith char? Do I ask for training in the Sith Order forum, or contact you (this is most likely directed at Master Ahnk, since it seems that he was searching for a pupil)?
Once again, thank you for your time. I do continue to look forward with interacting using both of my characters in TRF.
Don't fret... everybody does. If you have trouble with te h/k switch, and are too used to the Egyptian Ankh, you can always just call me by my last name.
Anyway, I am not, suprisingly, a Sith. More of a... freelancer. I am, however, looking for pupils, and Sith characters would be acceptable as long as you know that your tuteledge under me would ideally result in your not remaining a Sith... of course, I am also open to adversarial interaction, failing attempts at collaboration.
You could come hang around with Taja, although she isn't directly affiliated with TSO or any other established Sith organisation. She's mostly just a slut who likes dealing drugs because it's easy money and also fucks people up in the process.