Hi! I'm the younger sister of the EEEENFAMOUS Taja Loraan! Hello, how YOU sugahs doin'? >.@
Heyloooo there, baby. ;]
Hello .
So that's it then.. ? *stare* =) hello to you all. *innocent smile [of love(-making)]*
SO THESE ARE YOUR ANSWERS?! PISH POSH!! no action for you guys! >.> (i mean in the battlegrounds of course! I SWEEEAR!!)
welcome...to TRF..
XDDD my sis made me write those dumb dirty posts, anyway.. for Anhk and all those ppl who know of me. >.> i'm no slut, really. -stabs Taja- but yes, anyway. hello. ^_^
I'm scared.
-comforts- ;] am i big and baaaad? (>D)
You are perhaps the worst thing to ever happen to TRF.
...maybe besides Xilen.
...maybe besides Xilen.