Posted On:
Apr 3 2007 5:42am
Hey everyone, I'm Trey. I'm new. Woo hoo. What's next?
Posted On:
Apr 3 2007 5:49am
Welcome to TRF!
Read the rules, get up to speed and start to roleplay.
There are several factions you may be interested in too so take a look around.
Good Luck!! ;)
Posted On:
Apr 3 2007 5:52am
Welcome to The Rebel Faction; use at your own risk.
What's next?
1. Read the Rules & FAQ (available in our side bar).
2. Lurk; spend some time quietly getting to know the community.
3. Browse old threads and showcase threads to get an idea of what sort of writing we do here, at TRF.
4. Take a gander at our Timeline, Galaxy Map and Planets list to get an idea of what our Galaxy looks like.
5. Explore our Factions/Groups and see if maybe, when you feel ready to start posting, one of those factions works for you. (It's always easier to learn this way, rather then immediately striking out on your own.)
6. If you have questions; ask. We (The Staff) are available to answer your questions or just take a moment to chat, if you need. Simply at the click of a button, by clicking a screen-name, a host of IM and Email/PM information should be brought up.
Hope that helps.
Posted On:
Apr 3 2007 4:40pm
Welcome to TRF.
Hope to see you around the universe.
Good luck.
Posted On:
Apr 3 2007 4:50pm
Welcome to TRF. TDA here. Just PM the staff or any regular member for some advice.