Posted On:
Jul 22 2006 7:12pm
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Hello Everybody, I'm new here. Just have two questions about the fan fictions, are they in certain categories and what thread would they be in. Thanks to anyody who could help a gal out ;)
Posted On:
Jul 22 2006 7:52pm
I don't think there are Fanfics here, but if there are, Beff Pike or Titus would be the best people to contact. Welcome to TRF a great RPG community where you'll learn many things of RPing. If you have any questions contact anybody here, we'll all be happy to help!
Posted On:
Jul 22 2006 9:13pm
Beff Pike or Titus... an interesting choice in references. I agree with half of it.
Posted On:
Jul 23 2006 3:03pm
You've been absent recently, so maybe you don't know, but both halves are good references Milky. Both are extremely helpful/nice to the new ones. Titus still beats on us oldies though.
Posted On:
Jul 23 2006 6:05pm
Hello and welcome to The Rebel Faction.
Posted On:
Jul 23 2006 6:07pm
Oh? Beff Pike? It appears I have been missing things. Thank you for the information ^^
From my logic, Beff was Beff and Titus was Staff, so they didn't exactly fit together. XD
Posted On:
Jul 24 2006 1:41am
Not a lot would.
Welcome to The Rebel Faction; use at your own risk.
Half of everything is a fanfic. I'll dig up some links and send you a handy dandy little PM.
A few of our members have posted full "fanfic" works, others blur the lines between fanfic and RP. Either way, keep an eye on your InBox.
Posted On:
Jul 24 2006 4:17am
Welcome to TRF. Lots of what we do is fanfiction. Most of the RP's go in "The Battlegrounds". Some may go in "Astral Astoria", if they take place aboard that space ship. Others can go in various group forums if you're a member of that group. Does that answer your question?