Dude. Roleplay where you want. If TGC is your cup of tea, then what the hell are you complaining about Ceel to us for? If TRF is to your liking then... get to it!
If you want a happy medium, I suppose I can plug Sam's group.. Star Wars Epics has a good group of peeps over there and their writing is pretty good too.
Unless of course, you are Xilen.
But it doesn't really matter. If you are, you'll be found out sooner or later and all of this will have been a big waste of time for you. If you aren't, then hell...get in the game and start writing.
and as for newbaphobic.. it depends on what kind of newb you are. If you are one of those Jedi Master Dragon Ball Z Transformer Dark Lord Immortals, you can take your uber-ass back to TGC.
If you love exceptional stories and writing then stick around. You'll earn TRF street cred soon enough.
Oh, and just in case Sam actually reads this thread...
The above is actual a misquote misquoted by the source. What Om means to say is that Epics has a great group of "peeps" and their writing is comparable, if only just, to the caliber of writing produced by TRF and its membership.