Greetings :)
Posts: 96
  • Posted On: Jan 6 2005 5:25am
Glad to see that you found it alright, Aslyn. Enjoy the site! I think you'll find that the people and RPs are much more mature here than on TGC.
Posts: 2462
  • Posted On: Jan 6 2005 6:48am
I haven't been to TGC in a while... but that ^ is saying a lot.
Posts: 3599
  • Posted On: Jan 6 2005 1:03pm
Welcome to the pair of you.

If you do have any queries just give me or the rest of the staff a shout, or the rest of TRF for that matter.
I'm sure they'll all be very helpful.

...right guys?

*Coughs conspiciously loud*
Posts: 1913
  • Posted On: Jan 6 2005 3:18pm
Woah, Seth is staff now.

Thats so WEIRD!
Posts: 666
  • Posted On: Jan 6 2005 4:58pm
Posts: 1772
  • Posted On: Jan 6 2005 5:25pm
Greetings, new member!

Should I have brought cakes?
Posts: 14
  • Posted On: Jan 6 2005 5:33pm
No, but it would have been nice :)
Posts: 2440
  • Posted On: Jan 6 2005 7:34pm
this post made no sense
Posts: 14
  • Posted On: Jan 6 2005 8:14pm
I don't suppose it was intended to, hmm?
Posts: 2440
  • Posted On: Jan 6 2005 8:33pm

Astral Astoria is optional, but its a good place to start nonetheless. It focuses more on small storylines rather than the big galactic picture. The Battlegrounds proper is where you're likely to find all the big fleet battles and planetary takeovers.

TRF has quite a few factions, but they are optional as well. Still, they're a great way to jump right in on a certain side, and there are a very diverse variety of them, so you're almost guaranteed to find one that would suit your character. Most of the faction leaders are very friendly, especially to newbies, as they don't often get new faction members.

If you look through the OOC Forums and Rebel Cafe, there are some arguments, a few of them very heated, but most everyones friends here, and we're almost always joking around. As a whole, TRF is a pretty nice community to be at, and anyone else here will gladly answer all your questions and more. Much more. At great length. Whether you want them to or not.

Zarko the Mad
Astral Astoria is optional, but its a good place to start nonetheless. It focuses more on small storylines rather than the big galactic picture. The Battlegrounds proper is where you're likely to find all the big fleet battles and planetary takeovers.

TRF has quite a few factions, but they are optional as well. Still, they're a great way to jump right in on a certain side, and there are a very diverse variety of them, so you're almost guaranteed to find one that would suit your character. Most of the faction leaders are very friendly, especially to newbies, as they don't often get new faction members.

If you look through the OOC Forums and Rebel Cafe, there are some arguments, a few of them very heated, but most everyones friends here, and we're almost always joking around. As a whole, TRF is a pretty nice community to be at, and anyone else here will gladly answer all your questions and more. Much more. At great length. Whether you want them to or not. ;)