Post this in the To-Do forum for Titus.
Editing wiki
Comments are currently not parsing BBCode. If that makes it into a To-Do I will take care of it at some point.
Anyways, I would support eliminating the hours, days, week, year thing I had going in my older entries from the standard planet format we come up with. It's more of a burden than an actual use for most of our RPing. I'm going to start going through my older entries and updating them, so I'll probably remove that information, as well as start combining economic stuff to the basic "Import" and "Export" categories Wookieepedia uses.
nice! I guess you found internet lol. just figure out whats up and what were going to use and ill edit then
Yeah, I'll have internet for the next couple of days, followed by a brief blackout again, and then I'll be back to normal.
Ok all I think I will get back into working on these pages a bit. Good Times ahead!
"404 - Not Found"
Formatting problems, indeed.
Formatting problems, indeed.
So what Information are we going to use for planets? I mean do we want continuity? Most planets have very little if any data on them. I just did Randon and I added a link to the TO thread. I think this would be a good idea for new PTO's I do not think we need to back log every planet or if someone really wanted to go for it. I imagine I will do it for the Alliance worlds but im not even going to try to keep up with Corise and his PTO machine.
This is what I did for Randon. Do we want more info?
This is what I did for Randon. Do we want more info?
I'll take care of the Confederate world's descriptions. I think in terms of info, I think the very basics we want are government/ownership(Imperial, Coalition, etc), inhabitants, rough position (mid rim, etc), environment (Forests, deserts, ice, etc), and maybe even strategic function (alien species homeworld, factories, corporate headquarters, etc).