The alliance being on... which side?
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The Rebel Alliance, so Lightside.
so ultimately, even though its in the heart of Reaver space, its in the control of the Alliance, so therefore, since my character IS going towards the Light Side, thats a good thing :-p
Yes. So Lightside. It's not like they have a baby eating lizard or anything...
Oh wait.
Oh wait.
Exactly Irtar. :P
Seriously though Han, I'm currently the de facto head of the Alliance if you need any help RPing at Yavin or want to know what's going on there. Just send me a PM and I'll probably get back to you within the day you sent it.
Seriously though Han, I'm currently the de facto head of the Alliance if you need any help RPing at Yavin or want to know what's going on there. Just send me a PM and I'll probably get back to you within the day you sent it.
Ultimately, Han's Force Ghost is going to lead Aleister to his tomb, where he'll find Han's old Jedi Lightsaber, and he'll point Aleister to Dolash on Ilum, then off he goes. He won't be on Yavin long, like i said. heh