Ever thought about an open RP area? Like a place for non TRF canon-Star Wars fiction/original stories/other fan fiction/poetry/etc. And maybe even writing tips and critique area and such? I think it'd be pretty awesome. And since I think it's awesome, everyone must agree. At least in my sad version of reality they do.
A Thought
You go to hell. You go to hell and you die.
Only if you come too.
I actually kind of like that idea. Not sure if that TRF's thing though, being a SW board.
Go to fan fic or crap like that.
Yeah - on TRF, if you allowed people to critique your writing, you'd be constantly depressed. Nothing would be good enough, 'cause inevitably somebody would read something Simon posted and then read your stuff. Not a good thing. By any means.
I think an advice board maybe with tutorials and tips on some good writing habits, good form, polite conduct in writing etc would be cool, like jsut from general TRF people althoguh i'm not sure anyone would want to post in there.
I would love to be able to post my Alt Naval History scenarios and Inuyasha NC-17 fan fiction on here.
http://www.critiquecircle.com/default.asp Here is a site for anyone who wants to get work critiqued or to critique other peoples work it's really good and really nice people. (please don't hate me for posting link to another site.)
Nice people usually aren't the best critics.