Allegiance Mk II-class Battlecruiser
Class – Allegiance Mk II
Designation – Battlecruiser
Length – 2,200 meters
Crew - 54,250
Troops - 1,600
Passengers - 800
Hull - 12,000 RU
Shielding - 18,000 SBD
Speed - 55 MGLT (16 MGLT TRF standard)
Acceleration - 4 MGLT/s
Maneuvering - 5 DPF
Hyperdrive - Class 1 (class 12 Back-up)
Cargo Capacity - 60,000 Metric Tons
Consumables - 10 Years
Complament - (12) Support Craft
Weapons - (12) Octuple Heavy Turbolaser Barbettes, (3) Quad Heavy Turbolaser Turrets, (100) Heavy Turbolaser Cannons, (50) Ion Cannons,(40) Quad Laser Cannons, (30) Heavy Proton Torpedo Octets (10) Tractor Beam Projectors
Description - With Modern more effective designs now in use Imperial Engineers and Imperial Fleet command looked for a way to make the fleet of Allegiance-class Heavy Star Destroyers relevant once again and it was decided an upgrade was in order. With a more versatile and rounded weapons load out. STate of the art hull armor and shielding and a far Superior targeting and sensor suite, the Allegeiance Mk II-class is designed to combat multiple enemy ships and win.


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Created On
Nov 25 2013 3:41am
Last Updated
Nov 25 2013 3:41am
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