TNO Phantasm SpecOp Carrier
[font=Times New Roman]The Phantasm Special Operations Carrier[/font]
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[font=Times New Roman]Artist's Impression.
Craft: Phantasm Class Special Operations Carrier
Combat Abbreviation: SOC, PSCOC, SpecOp
Mission Profile: Special Operations and Fleet Support
Designer/Manufacturer: Imperial Security Bureau, Special Operations Division (Commodore Tratcha, respectfully)
Retail Price: Not available for sale. Produced exclusively for the New Order.
Consumables: 24 months
Cargo Capacity: N/A
Length Over All: 2000 meters
Shield Rating: 7000 SBD
Hull Rating: 3000 RU
Sublight Speed (Cruise): 15 MGLT
Sublight Speed (Flank): 18 MGLT
Sublight Speed (Emergency Full): 25 MGLT
Hyperdrive Motivator (Main): x.9
Hyperdrive Motivator (Backup): x3
10 Tractor Beam Projectors
15 Proton Torpedo Clusters (able to launch a variety of warheads)
Hanger Capacity:
18 Squadrons of TIE Series Starfighters
15 Stealth Dropships
5 Sentinel-Class shuttles
40 Grinder-Class Boarding Pods(R&D Coming Soon)
Troop Capacity:
6000 ISB Operatives
2,000 ISB SpecOps
Additional Equipment:
- Wraith Stealth System
- Changeling Hologram System
- Doppelganger Ion Drive
- Periscopic Tactical Sensor Array
Wraith Stealth System
The ISB's attempt at being techno savvy in the area of stealth technology; the Wraith is, while not a perfect stealth system, is an excellent leap in the right direction. It incorporates a number of system dampers to prevent energy emissions from leaving the ship along with a double blind cloaking field that while blinding the vessel, makes it completely invisible to the naked eye as well as scanners. This system's cloaking abilities are highly reliant on a bulky hibridium cloaking device, which is unable to be used during hyperspace since they have been revealed to be very unstable if active during travel through hyperspace. This was inadvertently discovered by Admiral Zaarin who tried escaping on a cloaked CR90 Corvette into hyperspace. The results ended the existence of both Zaarin and that vessel when the device ruptured. It also give reason for no weapons besides the 10 tractor beams and 50 warheads launchers, which require less energy to fire than an actual energy weapon.
All emissions that can't be blocked by the cloaking field are fed into the Doppelganger.
Changeling Hologram System
An innovative system designed by some of the New Order's top civilian scientists, under the direction of COMPNOR and the ISB, this system can render a hologram so realistic that it will register on most sensors as real since the projectors focus the image on enough wavelengths that it will even repel light emissions of varying levels, even to the point of scanners except for the highest scanning bands which are only used at very close proximity or during more specific scans. The system has projectors scattered all over the hull, permitting the vessel to assume the shape of certain pre-programmed designs including asteroids of varying makeup as well as space debris and even other ships. With the adequate programming and information, it can even assume the form of enemy vessels, if that vessel is on record and has been view from all angels, which most have been.
Doppelganger Drive System
A system uniquely designed for use on the Phantasm is the Doppelganger Drive. This drive system is designed to make the Phantasm the only vessel currently in existence that can use top notch engines with absolutely no visible emissions. While most stealth ships use engines that dampen their drive output, this system instead causes its drives to generate outputs in the form of radiations natural to space, masking anything that might seem unnatural. Thus, all emission unable to be dampened are instead flooded by natural radiation emissions, causing both to disperse quickly after being released so as to prevent the vessel from being detected through trying to find severe concentrations of natural radiations.
Periscopic Tactical Sensor Array
The Phantasm carries a least two dozen of these small arrays which are raised when the cloaking field is activated. Since a double blinding field is used to ensure absolute invisibility, it is necessary for the ship to still be able to see. Thus the PTSA is raised, giving the vessel a full view around it. However, the ISB is aware that these small protuberances would be easily spotted and thus had them coated in layers of space black non-reflective paint so as to prevent sensors and most forms of light, especially those used by sensors, from reflecting off of them.
Background Information
The Phantasm Class Special Operations Carriers is probably the most blatant attempt by the ISB to dig its claws even deeper into the Imperial armed forces. Its has been designed for use as a base of operations in long term missions and thus carries the necessary food stores and housing for the three wings worth of fighters aboard it. It also carries 15 Stealth Dropships for insertion of ISB Operatives as well as 40 Grinder-class boarding pods for boarding/raiding operations in space. The Phantasm also carries with it 5 Sentinel-class shuttles for other operations.
The vessel itself is manned entirely by ISB agents of varying specialities from piloting and navigation to fighter coordination and engineering. The fighter pilots themselves have all been under ISB observations for over a year before being permitted to fly in one of the Phantasm's fighter squadrons. They must also pass a number of COMPNOR and ISB loyalty tests.
Even though it is designed to also function as a attack support vessel in the sense of just how many fighter squads it is capable of carrying since the bulk of its smooth and yet rectangular form is fighter bays. Its primary purpose is to function as a mobile base of operations, thus it has no actual weapons on it besides a fair number of warhead launchers to disable ships for boarding operations. The only other weapon systems aboard it are tractor beams which it will use during certain situations to prevent vessels and objects form colliding with it, and to prevent the escape of enemy vessels.
Due to its lack of actual offensive capabilities, the Phantasm is heavily armored and is equipped with an extremely powerful shield array that is only active when its stealth systems are not on due to the fact of the power being drained for either one to function.