TNO - Immobilizer-512 Cruiser
Name: Immobolizer-512 Cruiser
Designation: IM-512
Length: 275 meters
Width: 75 meters
Height: 75 meters
2 Dual Ion Bomb Launchers (Located Top and Bottom, forward. Both turrets can fire forward, port, or starboard, bottom turret can fire aft, maximum elevation is 50 degrees top or bottom, depending on turret location)
10 Medium Ion Batteries (Five each to a cluster, one cluster located port centerline, the other cluster located starboard centerline. All ten batteries can fire upward, or downward to an angle of forty-five degrees. A maximum of six batteries can fire forward, a maximum of six batteries can fire aft. Five batteries can fire to port or starboard)
4 Mag Pulse Launchers (Grouped forward on the bow.)
2 Novaldex Generators/Projectors (Located below Ion Battery either side)
Shield Rating: 2,000 SBD
Titanium Reinforced Durasteel Plating, Double Hulled.
Hull Rating: 1,000 RU
Hangar Capacity:
One Squadron of TIE Bombers Mark III
Four Lambda Shuttles
Four Kuat Drive Yards Light Sublight Engines
Rated Sublight Speed: 12 MGLT
Standard Hyperdrive Motivator:
Rated Hyperdrive Speed: 1.0 Past Lightspeed
Weapons Descriptions:
Ion Bomb Launcher: A scaled down version of an planetery ion cannon, the Ion Bomb Launcher uses the same technology, but on a smaller scale. The ion bolts fired by the cannon are the same kind fired by an KDY-150, but differ in that their range is much shorter before the bolt diffuses into a mass of ionic energy. For this reason the weapon is a short ranged one, having an effective range of only twenty five kilometers. In addition to the shorter range, another expense of scaling down the weapon means that the range of fire is also lessened a great deal. The KDY-150 could pump out four shorts within a minute and be prepared to fire another four within another minute. The Ion Bomb Launcher fires two shots before the barrel has to be cooled down for five minutes.
Medium Ion Battery: A standardized Ion Cannon mounted with the addition of three barrels and a turret housing, making the weapon classified a battery, the Medium Ion Battery is basically four ion cannons combined into a single weapons emplacements. Each individual shot has slightly less the power of a normal cannon, but the high rate of fire means that a greater area will be affected.
Mag Pulse Launcher: This torpedo launcher fires pulses of Magnetic Radiation that plays havoc with electronical circuitry of enemy ships. The launcher has a range of twenty five kilometers before the magnetic energy becomes diffuse. The damage done by the Mag Pulse is different from that of Ion Cannon damage. While circuits hit by Ion cannons will be merely disabled for a short while, Magnetic Pulse damage means that the sensitive circuits will be fried or torn apart, requiring their replacement before the damaged systems can be brought back online.
Ship Description:
The Immobilizer-512 cruiser is the dedicated replacement to the aging Immobilizer-1227 light frigate within the Imperial fleet. This cruiser is intended to serve in the line of battle supplementing Imperial battleships, providing a pesky annoyance to enemy battleships by peppering them with disabling salvos of ion and magnetic energy. For this reason, the main focus is on weaponry and armour, sacraficing speed, so that her sublight drives are more inline with larger battleships than other escorts of her size.
She is shaped roughtly rectangular. Her bridge is located aft, behind turret#1, while her hangar bay is located also aft, below the bridge. Crew quarters are located forward, and power and the other systems are located amidships.
Designation: IM-512
Length: 275 meters
Width: 75 meters
Height: 75 meters
2 Dual Ion Bomb Launchers (Located Top and Bottom, forward. Both turrets can fire forward, port, or starboard, bottom turret can fire aft, maximum elevation is 50 degrees top or bottom, depending on turret location)
10 Medium Ion Batteries (Five each to a cluster, one cluster located port centerline, the other cluster located starboard centerline. All ten batteries can fire upward, or downward to an angle of forty-five degrees. A maximum of six batteries can fire forward, a maximum of six batteries can fire aft. Five batteries can fire to port or starboard)
4 Mag Pulse Launchers (Grouped forward on the bow.)
2 Novaldex Generators/Projectors (Located below Ion Battery either side)
Shield Rating: 2,000 SBD
Titanium Reinforced Durasteel Plating, Double Hulled.
Hull Rating: 1,000 RU
Hangar Capacity:
One Squadron of TIE Bombers Mark III
Four Lambda Shuttles
Four Kuat Drive Yards Light Sublight Engines
Rated Sublight Speed: 12 MGLT
Standard Hyperdrive Motivator:
Rated Hyperdrive Speed: 1.0 Past Lightspeed
Weapons Descriptions:
Ion Bomb Launcher: A scaled down version of an planetery ion cannon, the Ion Bomb Launcher uses the same technology, but on a smaller scale. The ion bolts fired by the cannon are the same kind fired by an KDY-150, but differ in that their range is much shorter before the bolt diffuses into a mass of ionic energy. For this reason the weapon is a short ranged one, having an effective range of only twenty five kilometers. In addition to the shorter range, another expense of scaling down the weapon means that the range of fire is also lessened a great deal. The KDY-150 could pump out four shorts within a minute and be prepared to fire another four within another minute. The Ion Bomb Launcher fires two shots before the barrel has to be cooled down for five minutes.
Medium Ion Battery: A standardized Ion Cannon mounted with the addition of three barrels and a turret housing, making the weapon classified a battery, the Medium Ion Battery is basically four ion cannons combined into a single weapons emplacements. Each individual shot has slightly less the power of a normal cannon, but the high rate of fire means that a greater area will be affected.
Mag Pulse Launcher: This torpedo launcher fires pulses of Magnetic Radiation that plays havoc with electronical circuitry of enemy ships. The launcher has a range of twenty five kilometers before the magnetic energy becomes diffuse. The damage done by the Mag Pulse is different from that of Ion Cannon damage. While circuits hit by Ion cannons will be merely disabled for a short while, Magnetic Pulse damage means that the sensitive circuits will be fried or torn apart, requiring their replacement before the damaged systems can be brought back online.
Ship Description:
The Immobilizer-512 cruiser is the dedicated replacement to the aging Immobilizer-1227 light frigate within the Imperial fleet. This cruiser is intended to serve in the line of battle supplementing Imperial battleships, providing a pesky annoyance to enemy battleships by peppering them with disabling salvos of ion and magnetic energy. For this reason, the main focus is on weaponry and armour, sacraficing speed, so that her sublight drives are more inline with larger battleships than other escorts of her size.
She is shaped roughtly rectangular. Her bridge is located aft, behind turret#1, while her hangar bay is located also aft, below the bridge. Crew quarters are located forward, and power and the other systems are located amidships.