TNO - F.E.A.R. class Droid Fighter
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Name - F.E.A.R. class Droid Fighter
Designation - FEAR Fighter
Mission Profile - Multi-role interceptor
Length - 4.5 meters
Wingspan -
Packed - 3 meters
Extended - 7 meters
4 Laser Cannons
Sublight: 200 MGLT
Atmospheric: Mach 2.5
Hyperdrive: None
Shield Rating: None
Hull Rating: 10 RU
1 SD-12 Droid Brain
The F.E.A.R. (Fast, Expendable, AtmospheRic-capable) Droid Fighter is designed as the next generation of purely droid based fighter, unlike the contemporary EMPIRE Project, which relies on the human brain for it's intelligence, the FEAR Project uses an all machine construct. FEAR Project managers, worrying that there could be a possibility that hostile force users could still manipulate the EMPIRE Project's brains, and realizing that droid brains are far quicker and less expensive to obtain and work with that human brains, have worked hard at coming up with a droid intelligence that could rival the potential of the human brain. While they have failed in this regard, they have come up with a new, more advanced droid intelligence that supersedes previous levels, at least.
The SD-12 Droid brain as it is designated, works similar in respect to other droid brains, but has additional features added to it. More complex and evasive manuevers, and another feature in which the brain analyzes sensors, enemy starfighters, catalouges their preferred manuevers and tendencies, and uses it all to it's advantage when in an engagement. The droids also have increased common sense intelligence, telling them not to fly so close to one another, to break off before colliding with another friendly fighter, etc. In addition to this brain, there is also a transciever built into the fighter which recieves orders from the mothership, increasing it's potential to choose targets, and coordinate attacks with other fighters for maximum damage and effect. Although, if necessary, it can function without signals from it's mothership.
The fighter is built around a basic and small ball cockpit, similar to other TIE series fighters, in which the brain is enclosed, along with the power source. The wings are solar panels that fold in the halfway point, allowing for easier storage and for more fighters to be packed in to a hangar bay space. The FEAR fighter can be packed in three per a normal TIE Fighter, even two for a TIE Interceptor. On the ends of each wing is a single laser cannon and a single ion engine. Unlike typical TIE Fighters, which have twin ion engines, this one fighter merely has four single ion engines, each with vector thrust capability, allowing for far greater manueverability than normal. Each solar wing powers one ion engine and one laser cannon. Finally, the rear of each solar panel wing has flaps, allowing the FEAR fighter to maintain it's manueverability in an atmospheric enviorement.
In order to ease production, the protection for the fighter does not include shields, which would also tax it's power limits. Instead, a strong hull armour, consisting of normal durasteel, but with titanium particles mixed in, allows the fighter to take at least a decent shot to it's center with a good chance of survivability. The wing panels, being solar panels, are as vulnerable as always of course. Indeed, protection is by far this fighters main and perhaps one of it's very few weaknesses.
Image Description -
Top Left: Front view
Bottom Center: Back view, with extended flaps on the wings
Top Right: Front view with wings in stowage position
Designation - FEAR Fighter
Mission Profile - Multi-role interceptor
Length - 4.5 meters
Wingspan -
Packed - 3 meters
Extended - 7 meters
4 Laser Cannons
Sublight: 200 MGLT
Atmospheric: Mach 2.5
Hyperdrive: None
Shield Rating: None
Hull Rating: 10 RU
1 SD-12 Droid Brain
The F.E.A.R. (Fast, Expendable, AtmospheRic-capable) Droid Fighter is designed as the next generation of purely droid based fighter, unlike the contemporary EMPIRE Project, which relies on the human brain for it's intelligence, the FEAR Project uses an all machine construct. FEAR Project managers, worrying that there could be a possibility that hostile force users could still manipulate the EMPIRE Project's brains, and realizing that droid brains are far quicker and less expensive to obtain and work with that human brains, have worked hard at coming up with a droid intelligence that could rival the potential of the human brain. While they have failed in this regard, they have come up with a new, more advanced droid intelligence that supersedes previous levels, at least.
The SD-12 Droid brain as it is designated, works similar in respect to other droid brains, but has additional features added to it. More complex and evasive manuevers, and another feature in which the brain analyzes sensors, enemy starfighters, catalouges their preferred manuevers and tendencies, and uses it all to it's advantage when in an engagement. The droids also have increased common sense intelligence, telling them not to fly so close to one another, to break off before colliding with another friendly fighter, etc. In addition to this brain, there is also a transciever built into the fighter which recieves orders from the mothership, increasing it's potential to choose targets, and coordinate attacks with other fighters for maximum damage and effect. Although, if necessary, it can function without signals from it's mothership.
The fighter is built around a basic and small ball cockpit, similar to other TIE series fighters, in which the brain is enclosed, along with the power source. The wings are solar panels that fold in the halfway point, allowing for easier storage and for more fighters to be packed in to a hangar bay space. The FEAR fighter can be packed in three per a normal TIE Fighter, even two for a TIE Interceptor. On the ends of each wing is a single laser cannon and a single ion engine. Unlike typical TIE Fighters, which have twin ion engines, this one fighter merely has four single ion engines, each with vector thrust capability, allowing for far greater manueverability than normal. Each solar wing powers one ion engine and one laser cannon. Finally, the rear of each solar panel wing has flaps, allowing the FEAR fighter to maintain it's manueverability in an atmospheric enviorement.
In order to ease production, the protection for the fighter does not include shields, which would also tax it's power limits. Instead, a strong hull armour, consisting of normal durasteel, but with titanium particles mixed in, allows the fighter to take at least a decent shot to it's center with a good chance of survivability. The wing panels, being solar panels, are as vulnerable as always of course. Indeed, protection is by far this fighters main and perhaps one of it's very few weaknesses.
Image Description -
Top Left: Front view
Bottom Center: Back view, with extended flaps on the wings
Top Right: Front view with wings in stowage position