TNO - Deception class Minelaying Corvette
Name: Deception class Minelaying Corvette

Designation: DMCC

Mission Profile: to lay minefields

Length: 225 meters
Width: 45 meters
Height: 40 meters

Crew: 25 (10 sailors, 3 officers, 2 gunners, 10 technicians)

Consumables: 6 months

Cargo Capacity: 2,500 metric tonnes

2 Medium Turbolaser Cannons
2 Medium Tractor Beam Projectors
8 Light Tractor Beam Projectors

Hangar Capacity: None

Troop/Passenger Capacity: 5

Novaldex Shield Generator/Projector
Light Durasteel armour
Shield Rating: 1,000 SBD
Hull Rating: 250 RU

2 Medium Ion Engines
Hyperdrive Motivator present
Sublight Speed: 50 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: 0.5 Past Lightspeed


The Deception class minelaying corvette is designed to fill in a needed niche for Imperial forces. Although some vessels in service are quite capable off clearing enemy minefields, there are currently no ships dedicated to laying mine fields. Enter this corvette. It is a relativley simple ship, with three main sections. The first section contains the bridge, crew quarters, and defensive armament, along with sensors and communications gear. The central section contains the engines, hyperdrive, and drive core, along with a mine storage capacity. The after section contains the remaining mine storage capacity, or if mines aren't present, cargo storage capacity, along with the chutes the mines are deployed from and the tractor beams that help manuever them into place, or help with their recovery if they are being picked up.

The ship can haul up to two hundred mines of various classes. The most numerous being the small anti-starfighter contact or proximity mines, that are barely the size of a standard concussion missile. Round and flat, these mines contain simply the trigger and a small baradium charge which would suffice to destroy most starfighters. Next are the up to fifty general purpose sized mines, and have a wide variety of uses. Finally, twenty five large special purpose mines are embarked, the most common of these being the Empion mines. Finally, an extra twenty five mines of any size and purpose can be embarked.

The ship is designed to jump into an area, quickly deploy it's minefield, and then hop out. Although the ship is armed and protected, these measures are only meant to ensure the ship's survival as it retreats from whatever menace it is facing. The Deception is sure to find excellent use in the Empire's inventory.


Page Information
Created By
Park Kraken
Created On
Oct 23 2006 11:31am
Last Updated
Oct 23 2006 11:31am
Version Log