Skipray Blastboat, custom
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Manufacturer(s): Sienar Fleet Systems; shadowport (only one in existence; not in production)
Model: GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat, customized
Type: heavy starfighter
Length: 25 meters
Atmospheric speed: 12,250 km/h
Sublight speed: 100 MGLT
Hyperdrive: class 1
Crew: 4
Gunners: 1
Passengers: none
Consumables: 1 month

Armament: 3 medium laser cannons, 3 medium ion cannons, 1 concussion missile launcher, 1 proton torpedo launcher, 1 variable-output dual turbolaser turret, 1 modified medium turbolaser cannon

Cargo capacity: 200 kg

Shield rating: 250 SBD
Hull rating: 70 RU

This particular Skipray Blastboat has undergone at least two major refits in the course of its existence. While it now represents an all-around improvement over stock Blastboats, the most notable modifications have been to its weapons systems.

The Blastboat sports a unique three-wing design, as opposed to the standard two wings, which allows for additional weapon mounts. Each wing tip is equipped with a forward-facing laser cannon and ion cannon, attached by rotating arms which allow for a rotation of 60 degrees in all four directions. The standard dual laser cannon has been replaced with a variable-output dual turbolaser turret, which has fire settings ranging in power from light lasers to medium turbolasers. The standard forward-facing proton torpedo launcher and concussion missile launcher have been maintained.

The nose-mounted ion cannon has been replaced with a modified medium turbolaser cannon. These one-shot turbolaser weapons are designed to store up massive amounts of energy over the course of several seconds, releasing a blast significantly more powerful than a standard medium turbolaser blast. A particular component within the turbolaser is designed to burn out after firing a high-powered shot, rendering the weapon useless for the remainder of the engagement, but preventing the turbolaser's destruction; after combat, the burnt-out component can be replaced, restoring the weapon to full use.

Most of the cramped craft's cargo space has been sacrificed to provide room for a larger, more powerful reactor. Even so, the vessel is plagued with power consumption problems, unable to operate all of its systems at full capacity at once. While charging the primary turbolaser to full power, this is especially true; while charging its specialized weapon, it generally suffers from weakening shields, reduction in speed, and a near-total loss of weapons' power. In the end, it is a versatile craft, not because of the range of modifications, but because of the vessel's ability to redistribute its available power so easily and efficiently.

relevant rp: Accidental Encounter


Page Information
Created By
Jarvis Ragnar
Created On
Jan 13 2007 2:11am
Last Updated
Jan 13 2007 2:11am
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