Second Wave - New Coalition - Remote Operation Robot
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Second Wave Technology

Funded by New Coaition

Remote Operation Robot

The Remote Operation Robot is the next design of Coalition engineers in the reorganazation and overhaul of the Coalition military. It is less then a meter tall and half as wide, and outfitted with a wide array of utilities.

The cheif concept and motivation behind the design of the Remote Operation Robot is usefulness. No matter the situation, one of these creations, often called Remobots, are designed to have a solution or, at least, be able to help. They are highly useful in deep-space exploration, combat, and salvaging or ship repair missions, among other things. Their size, of course, allows for no pilot, and they are always operated through a highly complicated remote control device, usable by the most skilled engineers and others who have gone through the intensive training required to be able to use them effectively.

In addition to remote control, Remobots are outfitted with a droid brain. This brain is prototype, not consistent and not thuroughly tested, but it is designed to attempt to give the Remobot the capability for abstract thought and innovation. In testing, the Remobots have been known, however rarely, to discover the solution to a simulated problem before their skilled operators. They always eagerly let their operators know. In extended testing, the droids' capabilities for this type of creativeness and problem solving have been known to increase. Results are inconclusive, however, and Coalition engineers make no promises, claims, or garuntees.

To accoplish their goal, Coalition engineers were decided to devise several different variations on the basic concept. They developed types of these Remote Operation Robots and, in an attempt at either humor or wit, called them 'colours'.

All Remobots have two appendages. These appendages are simaler to human arms with hands, but are made of an amazingly durable alloy. These 'arms' are attached to either side of the Remobot. They can be operated with extreme precision and effectiveness from the remote control by a skilled individual, exactly like all the Remobots' other systems.

Remote Operation Robots have a unique method of locomotion. On the bottom of their chassy is, usually, a three-mode devise. The first mode of this devise allows the Remobot to fly as a hovercraft on any planet with a atmosphere, or any ship. This is useful in many situations, but the Remobots are called to operate in more than just situations in which an organic would be able to operate. Thusly, there are two more 'modes'.

The second mode is magnetic. By switching between polarities, the Remote Operation Robot is able to hover over, attach to, or repel itself away from any metal or otherwise charged surface. This mode is most useful on a ship's hull, and is very efficiant. It allows the Remobot to remain within a close proximity to a ship moving at any speed, which would be otherwise impossible without cumbersome latches, or docking bays on the ship. For horizontal movement (relative to the ship it is magnetically following) a very small thrust from the third mode allows it to move any distance, because, obviously, not dragging itself along the ship's hull, there is no friction or other force to require it to have a continual acceleration.

The third mode requires a large amount of fuel for any change in direction. This fuel, the gathering of which will be discussed soon, is often available only for one such change. It is much like a classic spaceship's movement system. Using thrusters, the Remote Operation Robot propells itself in any one direction. This thrusting requires quite an amount of fuel in order to propell the robot at extreme speeds, this fuel is hard to come by for a devise of its size.

To gather the fuel required for these prolpusion systems, the Remobot uses an innovative technique. It gathers stray particles and heat floating in space to form a combination of heat and nuclear energy. When near a star, the Remobot gathers as much solar energy as possible. Therefore, even if completely out of fuel and near no star, it can find its way home, or its operator can guide it home, eventually.

What follows is an explanation of the main Colours of Remote Operation Robots. These are by no means, however, all the combinations available. Any Remobot can be personalized with any mix of all available systems.

The Red Remobot is designed for use with organics, people, if you will. It is equiped with medical systems and other devices useful for personal encounters.

The first of the Red Remobot's systems is the general first-aid system. It is equipped with a limited amount of super-compressed bacta fluid. The robot can use its hand, which changes into a dropper, to put this fluid on organics' injuries, which heals minor or basic wounds effectively.

The Red Remobot is also equipped with an advanced surgical computer. This computer can, through much calculation, devise what surgical operation would be beneficial to a particular individual with a serious illness or wound. Upon command, the Remobot will perform an operation on an unconcious organic. In tetsting, Remobots have proved just as effective as basic surgical droids.

The final system is an advanced planetary location and tracking system. It can detect life signs within a large radius upon scanning. It also has extremely small tracking devises which can be launched at an individual and attach to them without any noticable impact.

Common items carried by this design include dry edibles and compressed liquids in case of any lack of food, and personal sheilds for distribution in case of hostile fire, among other things.

The Purple Remobot is designed for stealth operations and survival in many situations. It is equipped with cloaking, advanced tracking, and endurance systems.

Unlike most other Remobots, The Purple Remobot is designed with a sheild, which can withstand some blaster fire without damage to the Remobot. There is very little, inviornmentally, that can harm the Purple Remobot. Its metal alloy can withstand extreme temperatures and vicious corrosiveness.

To remain undetected, the Purple Rembot also has a primative cloaking device, which allows it to be undetectable by visual means, and by basic sensors. This system exerts some strain on fuel and cannot be in use for extended periods of time.

With what little space is left on this Remobot is an advanced, deployable tracking device. This device projects its coordinates to the Remobot through subspace at all times, and in no more than a few inches tall and a foot in diameter. It attaches magnetically and very strongly to a ship's hull.

The yellow Remobot is designed for use in a nonhostile spaceship or other complex. It is equipped with electrical repair systems and a high-capacity battery.

The droid brain of the yellow Remobot is larger, and thusly a little more stable. It has an advanced computer for cercuitry repair and construction of electrical devices. While not occupied, this Remobot runs through possible electrical creations and remembers ones that would have an effect for creation upon order.

The Yellow Remobot is also equipped with a large battery, which stores immense energy, enough to power a large elecrical complex, such as a flag ship, for a few minutes, or a smaller one for a longer amount of time.

The Yellow Remobot has the same tracking device as the Purple Remobot, but it is used for tracking freindly ships which may have become derelect. It has been known to request access to damaged electrical devises, in order to repair them.

The Blue Remobot is designed completely for ship repair. It has sheild strenthening and hull repairing systems.

The Blue Remobot has, in tests, proven to work extremely well with a Yellow Remobot. The yellow Remobot provides power for the Blue Remobot to replenish sheilds of a ship it may be on. When without a Yellow parter, may use its own, more limited, energy supply to restore sheilds.

In addition, this Remobot has tools for hull repairs. These tools take up a significant amount of space, and a person has to make decisions about how to use them. When given orders, however, Blue Remobots can move quite quickly to do their job.

The final type of Remobots is different from the rest. It is designed to work in large numbers.

Each Brown bot has only one tool or system, which varies. The rest of the space is taken up by inter-linked computers, which communicate with eachother to complete a larger task.

There are often different 'shades' of brown Remobots. A yellow shaded group of Brown Remobots might, for instance, be injected into a large ship with orders to repair it. The exact method of repair would have to be decided upon by the many, many computers working together.

These Brown Remobots are the larger scale variety, as can be seen. They are often used by capital ship commanders or otherwise. Occasionally, a ship is equipped with a torpedofull of these Brown Remobots.


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Created On
Mar 17 2005 12:43am
Last Updated
Mar 17 2005 12:43am
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