Rapier(TFE R&D 1)
Length: 3m
Designer: Researchers on Farquak Junior(a moon soon to be taken over)
Crew: 1 Droid Pilot
Troops: None
Weapons: 1 rapid fire laser cannons, self-destruct
Shields: None
Hull: 50 RU
Speed: 200 MGLT
Hyperdrive: None
Atmospheric Speed: 2000km/h
Shape: A wing shape, with a droid brain on one side, engines in the center and rapid fire laser cannon in the center. Communications device is on the same side as the droid brain. On the other side is the reactor.

The first ever Cren designed ship, the Rapier is a swift manuverable fighter, capable of doing turns which would kill a normal being. With no hyperdrive, the Rapier has to be transported to a battle. The Rapier receives signal from the ship it is based on telling it what to do, dogfight, escort and protect something, or many other objectives. If the ship it was based on is destroyed, the Rapier's droid brain hooks up with another ship, and continues it's mission. If it is based on a planet, then the droid brains receives signals from the planet, and any ship, with the planet as it's main controller, checking orders from other ships, through it's planetary controller. The Rapier is meant to be used in huge numbers, mass strike against something. With no shields they will most likely take heavy losses, but they are expandable. The Cren are quite happy with the Rapier.


Page Information
Created By
Kanbal Stian - 776
Created On
Feb 16 2003 12:31am
Last Updated
Feb 16 2003 12:31am
Version Log