R&D The Hope
I just want to know if this ship is acceptable as my courier.

Name: The Hope

Designer: Kamon Vondiranach

Class: Courier ship

Type: Only one of its kind

Personnel: 4 people

Consumables: 1 day

Cargo capacity: 500 pounds

Length: 30 meters

Height: 6 meters

Width: 14 meters

Speed: 100 MGLT normal, 115 MGLT maximum

Hyperspace Drive: .75x

Shield: 70 SBD

Hull: 3 inches of living material, a.k.a. Seed Partners (it’s somewhere in the 70-90 RU range)

Engine: Sekotian PX-104a

Weapons: None

Special Equipment: comm. scrambler/descrambler system, high-powered sensor array, jacks for possible weapons hook ups, lots of rebreathers

The Hope is Kamon’s personal courier vessel. It is only used to move from planet to planet and holds no weapons. If it is attacked, it relies on speed and maneuverability to get out of harms way. Its living hull makes the ship able to partially heal itself if hit by blasters. However, it is susceptible to disease.
Kamon has used it in the past and always uses it to get from planet to planet. The ship is his crutch when he has to get somewhere fast.

Power Shunt System: A system of cables, knobs, and switches allowing power to be rerouted. In times of need, power can be sent from non-essential systems, for instance air scrubbers, to the engines or shields. This allows for more power in the engines, making more speed.

Cargo Conversion: The cargo bay has been converted to house an extra generator. This makes more power available to the ship. It also adds power to the engines, which means more speed.

Weapons Ports: The weapons ports have been completely removed to make an area of space. This area has been converted to house a small back-up generator for the vessel. In times of need, the generator can be activated to supply more power to the vessel.

Hull Addition: Kamon has had the hull sprayed with a thin layer of crystasteel. This special type of ore looks like crystal, but is hard like steel. It adds durability and more protection. It also makes the ship have less drag in atmospheric flight.


Page Information
Created By
Kamon Vondiranach
Created On
Mar 6 2003 3:25am
Last Updated
Mar 6 2003 3:25am
Version Log