Kyondon Mobile Shipyard (Seren Ship Tech)
Name - Kyondon

Class – Shipyard

Combat Designation – Lightly Armed Mobile Shipyard

Owners - Serendivus Engineering

Crew – 1,900 (500 ship workers, 500 droids, 500 marines, 400 officers)

Lengh - 450/500 meters.

Sensor Systems -

Severan Deep Space Sensor Array
Severan Anti-Star fighter Sensor Array
Severan Gravimetric Array
Severan Space Sensor Array
Severan Early Warning Collision Array

Combat Systems –

Six Platform Controllers with six defense platforms for each controller

Miscellaneous Systems -

Fighter Production bay: The Fighter Production bay is where all fighters that the Sarendivus use are built in, this bay has everything the worker will need, from the metal’s and chassis, to the weapons and shields

Frigate Production bay: While most mobile shipyards don’t have the ability to produce anything higher than a fighter, the Sarendivus pride themselves on being elusive and cunning, there for all there shipyards are mobile, none are stationary (except one) The FPB is capable of building both light and medium frigates, depending on the amount of workers allocated to the job it could take anywhere from a month to a year to build the Serendivus’s Torpedo Boat

Light Cruiser Production bay: Since this is a light shipyard, it can only build light cruisers, mostly light missile boats or the interdictor cruisers that the Sarendivus sometimes use

Very Light Destroyer Production bay: The largest bay on this ship, it is capable of only building the light destroyer that the Sarendivus use

Special Construction Bay: In the event that two or more shipyards are in close proximety to each other, they will be granted the ability to construct destroyers and command ships, while only three destroyers exist, there is currently one command ship being built 'somewhere'

Weapon Systems -


Shield Systems -

Basic Enviromental Shield.

Defensive Systems -

Station Cloak Drive MK 3

Speed Rating – 40-50 MGLT (20-25 while cloaked)

Star fighter Capacity -

Fifteen flight’s of X-wings (three fighters per flight)

Miscellaneous Combat Systems -


Deployment Directive -

Like it was mentioned before, the Sarendivus pride themselves on being elusive and cunning, they don’t like being out in the open for to long, this is the only class of ship (The Light and Heavy Shipyards) that are capable of staying cloaked continuously, since they have several reactors dedicated to the system

The shipyards are capable of building the ships the Sarendivus use and are the only mobile production facilities that the Sarendivus operate

These shipyards are also equipped with the appropriate refining facilities, allowing the miner’s to offload there stores onto the shipyard itself and then head back out to mining

One unique feature about these shipyards is that if the need arises they can all connect to each other (each shipyard is same) and form one giant station (they can’t move) the advantage to this is a large cloaked production facility

One more thing that makes these shipyards some-what dangerous to actually attack is the platform control facilities. These control facilities are capable of controlling up to ten gun/laser/missile platforms, and each shipyard has at least six control buildings so that brings the count to sixty platforms per shipyard

When the ship is not moving the platforms are out and about and stationed in locations of importance, when moving the platforms move along with the shipyard (the shipyard isn’t going very fast)

These shipyards also act as a trading center, since it has all the required programs and facilities. Plus the shipyards aren't exactly 'recognizable' meaning nothing on the outside will ID it as a shipyard, the production bays are recessed into the hull and the only time they open up is when a ship is complete and it has either a pilot (Fighter) or crew (frigate and above)


In addition to it's ability to hyper space out of the region, it's one drawback is that it can't be constructing anything during hyper-space or before. That mean's if the ship is forced to hyper-space out of the region (either do an enemy fleet or something) all construction must be stopped and tied down.

A drawback also occurs when two shipyards are constructing a destroyer or a command ship, while this particuler construction takes place in secure enviroment's or in far off places, there is always a chance that an enemy will discover there location. If that occur's the project must be dumped and what ever is being built to either be destroyed (in the event of a cruiser or frigate) or tied down and on hold (in the event of a fighter, corvette or transport) before the shipyards will jump out. In the course of the jumping the gun platforms are abandoned and left to there own instructments, and have a five minute timer before they'll self destruct, destroying any potentional technology that the enemy might be able to get ahold.

Being a light shipyard mean's it isn't that well armed, so they don't have the firepower to take on anything larger than a fighter or small frigate, more than that and they must retreat. In the event they are incapible of retreating, the captain will initiant a self destruct sequence.

Model of Shipyard will be added in due time

OOC Restriction:

Shipyard cannot engage cloak while in hyperspace
Shipyard cannot engage cloak while building frigate's or cruisers, but can while building fighters or corvettes
Shipyard cannot engage in combat while also building a ship (the consturctiom must be halted)
Shipyard cannot enter hyperspace while it's either contructing or cloaked


In short, the shipyard can build anything that's 500 meter's or smaller.


Page Information
Created By
Created On
Aug 24 2006 7:09pm
Last Updated
Aug 24 2006 7:09pm
Version Log