Kiyar R&D 3 -- Retinae - Class Sensor Array Ship
Designation and Naming Information


Name and Designation

<li>Retinae - Class Sensor Array Ship
<li>Sensors and Tracking Ship


<li>Kiyar Naval Intelligence

Production Facilities

<li>Kiyar Military Shipyards Inc.

Fleet Designation

<li>General Issue


<li>Another component of the Kiyaran fleet, it has been known that the only way to properly survive in the galaxy is through effective scouting and sensor relaying. Therefore, with the construction of this ship, we intend to use it to know where our enemies are and where they're coming from before they get the chance to strike. It will have minimum armaments and will not be able to defend itself. This is not a warship, this is a craft designed to track and keep an eye on enemy forces. Especially in an age where cloaking has become that much of an issue.

Operative Grarson

Combat Statistics



<li>3x Kiyar Turbular Ionic Drive Sublight Engines
<li>1x Emergency Liberation Corp. Thrust Drivers
<li>1x LibCorp Hyperdrive Unit


<li>Sublight: 55 MGLT
<li>Hyper: Comparable to a Carrack-Class Cruiser


<li>2x Anti-Fighter Turrets

Companies in Association

<li>Kiyar Naval Intelligence


<li>AstroTech Light Shield Generator -- 700 SBD
<li>LibCorp Ray Shield Generator
<li>AstroTech Emergency Alternate Shields -- 450 SBD
<li>Kiyar Shipyards Naval Works Ionic Repulsion -- 2000 Ionic Capacity


<li>Af'El Mining Guild Quality Durasteel -- 800 RU
<li>Reinforced Kiyar Meleenium -- 100 extra RU
<li>Diligent Endeavours Inc. Rubber Lining


<li>Length -- 500 meters
<li>Width -- 175 meters


<li>As I said before, she's not a battleship. She's there to snoop out the enemy and give us a pin point location of where to strike. If she were to be isolated she'd be an easy target - she's not heavily defended with weapons, shields, or hull, most of it having been torn down so that it can have the massive amounts of sensor arrays that are desired by any ship commander.

Operative Grarson

Sensor Arrays


Space Sensor Array

<li>Kiyar Facilities CommScan V. V
<li>Kiyar Intelligence Custom Long Range Scanners
<li>Particle Density Cloak Detector
<li>Near Range KiyTech Intelligence Targetting Reticle
<li>KiyTech Computer Upload System
<li>Intelligence Department Custom Planetary Scanning Devices
<li>Intelligence Custom Ship Scanning Devices


<li>And here it is, where the real beauty of this ship comes out. Packed to the teeth with the various detectors and sensors needed to make this ship worth its money. The pride of this vessel will be the Particle Detectors. With fourteen cartridges - which are reloadable through a supply ship or docking at a supply station - it can unleash millions and millions of microscopic particles in and around the space the ship is contained in. These little electronic particles are constantly being monitored from on board the ship, and any disturbances - such as craft or cloaked ships moving through these fields - and can thus inform or upload these readings to the battle ships. It is the perfect measure against enemy cloaked warfare.

Operative Grarson



Combat Analysis

Combat analysis would be a moot point. The purpose of this ship is to conduct longe range scans and keep the fleet on its toes. If confronted by anything larger than a pair of Y-Wings it would certainly be decimated.

Its highlights are only in its exceptionally long range scanning abilities, allowing it to pick up any kind of radiation disturbances, ionic changes, movements, or the like within their system or - given the size of said system - its nearby neighbor.


Page Information
Created By
Kanbal Stian - 776
Created On
Jan 3 2004 11:36pm
Last Updated
Jan 3 2004 11:36pm
Version Log