General R&D: Golan III Defense Platform
Golan III Defense Platform:

Name: Golan III

Class: Battlestation

Type/Model: Planetery Orbit Battlestation

Length: 2600 Meters
Width: 750 Meters
Height: 550 Meters

40 Medium Turbolaser Batteries (grouped into eight clusters of five apiece)
40 Medium Turbolaser Cannons (grouped into eight clusters of five apiece)
10 Octect Proton Torpedo Launchers (scattered along length of station)

Heavily Reinforced Durasteel Armour
2 Novaldex (or the equivalent) Shield Generators/Projectors
Shield: 8000 SBD
Hull: 7500 RU

1 KDY Fusion Reactor
4 Rerouter Stations

Manuevering Thrusters only
Sublight: 4 MGLT


Troop/Passenger Capacity:
2,500 Stormtroopers or equivalent

Crew: 810:
250 Gunners
250 Technicians
150 Sailors
50 Engineers
10 Officers
100 MSE-6 Utility Droids

Limit Per Planet: 4

Design Specifications: The Golan line of Battle Stations have long been known for having a fierce reputation in combat. They have been known to be hard to kill, and give out lots of punishment. When the New Republic took Coruscant, one such station was known for using it's proton torpedo launchers to kill many smaller Alliance warships. This implies that the stations have many torpedo launchers. When the New Republic attacked Bilbringi, after traitorous smugglers ambushed a Golan from behind, the Golan lost a duel to a pair of New Republic Assault Frigates. This, and other reports shows that the Golan, as far as energy weapons goes, is comparable to a Victory Star Destroyer in firepower. As for defenses, however, the Golan is comparable to a much larger ship. Take, for example, the escape of the SSD Lusankya from Coruscant. The Lusankya dueled with the Golan station, but even with the 500 or so weapons the SSD could bring to bear on the station, it would not die in the brief engagement, or even suffer heavy damage. And then there was the battle of Bilbringi in a recent NJO book, where another Golan proved decisive in the battle.


Page Information
Created By
Park Kraken
Created On
Dec 23 2003 9:20pm
Last Updated
Dec 23 2003 9:20pm
Version Log