General R&D: Dauntless class Cruiser

Dauntless class Cruiser
Length: 1400 meters
Shield Rating: 1800 SBD
Hull Rating: 2200 RU
Propulsion: 4 MGLT
Hyperdrive: 3x Past Lightspeed
Hangar Capacity:
4 Squadrons (48) of Starfighters
20 Shuttles
Troop Capacity:
7,500 Soldiers
50 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
40 Medium Ion Batteries
10 Tractor Beam Projectors
Explanation: The Dauntless class Cruiser is an old ship that dates back to the early days of the Rebellion. The first Dauntless Cruisers were conversions from large Luxury Passenger Liners. As their engines were never upgraded, they retain a slow speed, and relativley slow hyperdrive rating. The ships however do have upgraded shield and hull strengths, along with a powerful armament added, making the Dauntless a formidable opponent.