Elite Anti-Missile Defense System
Elite Anti-Missile Defense System
The idea for the EAMDS was made by Jan Dondana. He said that ships needed more then just shields to defend against missiles, so he immediately ordered a Research and Developement Team to start working on a missile defense system. The result, the Elite Anti-Missile Defense System, a system that combined numerous missile defenses into one large system.
The only offensive piece of the system is the Anti-Missile Weapons Cluster. It is actually quite small, only five meters in diamter(a sphere placed on the hull, but made so that it fits perfectly on the hull and the bottom part is flat). On this cluster there are three flechette launchers and one miniturized rapid-fire laser cannon(the actual numbers don't matter). The laser cannon is the inital weapon, with a range of 5 kilometers, half the range of a standard laser cannon. It stops firing at a missile when it reaches 1 kilometer from the ship. The laser cannons can be used to protect flanking ships, though the flechette launchers do not have the same range. The flechette launchers are the second weapon, and open up when the missiles are still 1.5km from the ship, though the flechettes are not expected to travel that distance. Instead they are expected to create clouds of razor sharp pieces of metals(flechettes) for the missiles to travel through. When the missiles hit the metal, they will be ripped to pieces, and will explode. This will create a chain reaction in large groups of missiles, though that cloud of flechettes will likely be destroyed. This is why three flechette launchers are used per weapons cluster. They fire one after the other, so that the first waves of missiles will destroy the first cloud, and the rest will travel to the second and third clouds.
The second part of this system are modified(and larger) versions of the high-output Miradyne 4x-Phantom jammers placed on A-wing fighters. The DER projector was left in, as was the static discharge panels, but a larger form the Betriak "Screamer' sensor jammer used on the X-wing was added. This new sensor jammer disguises the ships from long range detection, and confuses homing beacons on concussion missiles and proton torpedos. As well, a general jammer was added, jamming close range sensors, targetting computers and missiles. The jammers are only 50% effective at jamming close range sensors, targetting computers and missiles, while 65% at jamming long range dectection. They are fully capable of jamming all subspace and long range transmissions.
The Elite Anti-Missile Defense System uses an improved sensor array. This sensor array was designed specifically for the EAMDS system, and was made to detect small objects. The sensor array is not effective against anything larger then 5m.
This sensor array is hooked up to a computer, which instantly judges the strength of the armor. This way the EAMDS will not fire at fighters, mines or missiles with extremely powerful hulls(ie. Diamond Boron Missiles), since it doesn't have the power to damage them. If there are no missiles, the EAMDS will use it's laser cannons to provide distractions for enemy fighters, though it can't significantly damage them.
Furthermore, the sensor array is made so that it detects, and then ignores, any missiles shot by a ship broadcasting a friendly IFF code.
1 Emplacement Every 20m
Only used on Spaceships over 100m.
Effectiveness on missiles 4+ km away- 75% of missiles blocked.
Effectiveness on missiles 3-4 km away-65%
Effectiveness on missiles aimed at friendly ships within 3 km-60%(all ranges)
Ineffective on missiles under 3km away.
Only 50% effective on ships coming from dead aft(only jammers are used, no room for weapons emplacements).
Hull rating drops by 10%(unless it is an R&D which states that the Elite will be placed on the ship)
Equiping Chart
Ships 100-1000m 1 day in drydock
Ships 1001-2000m 2 days in drydock
Ships 2001-3000m 3 days in drydock
Ships 3001-4000m 4 days in drydock
Ships 4001-5000m 5 days in drydock
Ships 5001-6000m 6 days in drydock
Ships 6001-7000m 7 days in drydock
Ships 7001-8000m 8 days in drydock
Ships 8001-19 000m 15 days in drydock
Ships 19 001m+ 40 days in drydock
*Must be consecutive days, and there must be a post that these ships are in drydock at this time, and will be out at this time in the SY forum.
**In drydock means that they can't be used, but it doesn't take up an SY.
***If you build an R&D that says that it has this system in the R&D you don't have to use the equiping chart, it is just automatically on that R&D.
Elite Anti-Missile Defense System
The idea for the EAMDS was made by Jan Dondana. He said that ships needed more then just shields to defend against missiles, so he immediately ordered a Research and Developement Team to start working on a missile defense system. The result, the Elite Anti-Missile Defense System, a system that combined numerous missile defenses into one large system.
The only offensive piece of the system is the Anti-Missile Weapons Cluster. It is actually quite small, only five meters in diamter(a sphere placed on the hull, but made so that it fits perfectly on the hull and the bottom part is flat). On this cluster there are three flechette launchers and one miniturized rapid-fire laser cannon(the actual numbers don't matter). The laser cannon is the inital weapon, with a range of 5 kilometers, half the range of a standard laser cannon. It stops firing at a missile when it reaches 1 kilometer from the ship. The laser cannons can be used to protect flanking ships, though the flechette launchers do not have the same range. The flechette launchers are the second weapon, and open up when the missiles are still 1.5km from the ship, though the flechettes are not expected to travel that distance. Instead they are expected to create clouds of razor sharp pieces of metals(flechettes) for the missiles to travel through. When the missiles hit the metal, they will be ripped to pieces, and will explode. This will create a chain reaction in large groups of missiles, though that cloud of flechettes will likely be destroyed. This is why three flechette launchers are used per weapons cluster. They fire one after the other, so that the first waves of missiles will destroy the first cloud, and the rest will travel to the second and third clouds.
The second part of this system are modified(and larger) versions of the high-output Miradyne 4x-Phantom jammers placed on A-wing fighters. The DER projector was left in, as was the static discharge panels, but a larger form the Betriak "Screamer' sensor jammer used on the X-wing was added. This new sensor jammer disguises the ships from long range detection, and confuses homing beacons on concussion missiles and proton torpedos. As well, a general jammer was added, jamming close range sensors, targetting computers and missiles. The jammers are only 50% effective at jamming close range sensors, targetting computers and missiles, while 65% at jamming long range dectection. They are fully capable of jamming all subspace and long range transmissions.
The Elite Anti-Missile Defense System uses an improved sensor array. This sensor array was designed specifically for the EAMDS system, and was made to detect small objects. The sensor array is not effective against anything larger then 5m.
This sensor array is hooked up to a computer, which instantly judges the strength of the armor. This way the EAMDS will not fire at fighters, mines or missiles with extremely powerful hulls(ie. Diamond Boron Missiles), since it doesn't have the power to damage them. If there are no missiles, the EAMDS will use it's laser cannons to provide distractions for enemy fighters, though it can't significantly damage them.
Furthermore, the sensor array is made so that it detects, and then ignores, any missiles shot by a ship broadcasting a friendly IFF code.
1 Emplacement Every 20m
Only used on Spaceships over 100m.
Effectiveness on missiles 4+ km away- 75% of missiles blocked.
Effectiveness on missiles 3-4 km away-65%
Effectiveness on missiles aimed at friendly ships within 3 km-60%(all ranges)
Ineffective on missiles under 3km away.
Only 50% effective on ships coming from dead aft(only jammers are used, no room for weapons emplacements).
Hull rating drops by 10%(unless it is an R&D which states that the Elite will be placed on the ship)
Equiping Chart
Ships 100-1000m 1 day in drydock
Ships 1001-2000m 2 days in drydock
Ships 2001-3000m 3 days in drydock
Ships 3001-4000m 4 days in drydock
Ships 4001-5000m 5 days in drydock
Ships 5001-6000m 6 days in drydock
Ships 6001-7000m 7 days in drydock
Ships 7001-8000m 8 days in drydock
Ships 8001-19 000m 15 days in drydock
Ships 19 001m+ 40 days in drydock
*Must be consecutive days, and there must be a post that these ships are in drydock at this time, and will be out at this time in the SY forum.
**In drydock means that they can't be used, but it doesn't take up an SY.
***If you build an R&D that says that it has this system in the R&D you don't have to use the equiping chart, it is just automatically on that R&D.