Delta-7 Aethersprite Advanced Model 117
Type: Starfighter
Faction: Grays
Manufacturer: Germanican Systems Engineering
Length: 8m
Weapons: Twin Laser Cannons on belly and wings,proton torpedoes
Shields: 50 SBD
Hull: 14 RU
Top Speed: 120 MGLT
Acceleration: 21 MGLT/s
Maneuverability: 96 DPF
Crew: 1, plus hardwired R4 unit.
Notes: A pre-Clone Wars Jedi starfighter formerly belonging to a hidden Jedi Master. Max Reem retrieved it on a mission and has kept it in good condition, and upgraded it into a formidable fighter.Years later when Max created the Grays he figured that he should've made this ship clones.Now there are hundreds of these ships built by Germanicans for the Grays needs.

The Delta-7 Aethersprite Advanced Model 117 nicknamed Delta is Max's favorite ship and his creation. Only Max's has a hyperdrive.


Page Information
Created By
Max Reem
Created On
Jun 30 2006 3:31pm
Last Updated
Jun 30 2006 3:31pm
Version Log