DATA Class Management System
The Data Analysis Tactical Assistance (DATA) Management System is a new supercomputer design and architecture by Stellar Enterprises. This massive high speed data crunching computer core is designed to assist Governments, Armies, Navies, or whole planetary systems do their job with the utmost efficiency possible. The sheer size and data processing capability of the DATA Management system allows this computer core to carry out many functions at once and assist in a variety of different ways.

The primary function of this system was the providing of assistance to planetary or governing bodies around the galaxy. The DATA System, once installed and integrated into the planet's information network, was designed to make said planet's operations more smoothly. In example this system would monitor all traffic on or above the planet and plan out routes that were more direct, but also safer to take. IT could guild arriving vessels to proper locations with more accuracy than living being and also do so in fractions of the time. To keep living beings in the loop, the DATA system could be made to only give suggests and the executions will be up to the ones that run the planet.

In addition the DATA core can be used to increase the planet's production output by offering new ways of producing goods or altering factory shifts so that they become more efficient and also more cost effective. The planet's finances and resources could easily be measured and monitored by this system and reports of any changes could be offered. Supply shipments around the planet may be linked to this system as well and be run with more precision and speed, ensuring that if enough supplies exist, places will get them before they need to order them.

While the system was good for government management, it was found to shine when placed in the military rule. Whether it was tested for defensive or offensive operations, this system proved its worth. With its power to sift through countless bites of information, the DATA management system is able to monitor whole army or naval movements. Individual units are able to be monitored and interception options can be presented to military leaders. Through this monitoring, the computer system can pinpoint weakness in enemy formations and present ways of exploiting them.

While managing whole armies or units, the DATA system is able to initiate strike orders on time and stage them in a way capable only by computers. The analysis of enemy forces helps to position defending or invading forces so that the proper units match the enemy's and can overtake them. Analysis of the terrain also takes place continuously so that forces could be properly positioned and terrain could be used as an advantage.

If data has been collected on enemy forces and their commanders, this data will be used by the DATA management system to establish probably defense plans or offensive operations. Since many commanders seem to follow plans that have worked in the past and use maneuvers more than once, their histories could be analyzed and suspected moves brought to the knowledge of commanders. Slight unit movements that might go unnoticed could be analyzed by DATA and presented to the commanders in charge as signs of new tactics or new operations.

All military branches may be managed by DATA and used in operations as best as possible to achieve victories. DATA monitors all numbers of troops and based on this is able to come up with various defensive or offensive plans. These plans could vary from high risk ventures to low risk ones in which a stalemate could be achieved, but troops lives will be saved.

The DATA system is also very capable of assessing troop supply levels and knows when to dispatch more supplies to various units. All requests from field commanders go through DATA and are passed on to the leading commanders which may ok the transfer of needed supplies. IF orders are given, DATA can instantly relay them to proper logistics units for the fastest possible deliver.

In addition, planetary defense networks can be linked to the DATA system and directed from a single complex. DATA can prioritize the firing of weapons systems and the reorientation of defensive systems, like orbiting platforms, for increased effectiveness against given threats. Automatic functions can be bestowed on DATA to allow it the ability to trigger defenses as soon as sensor detect a threat to the planet. Without having to ask for permission and get authorization, defensives may always be held on standby, or close to, so that activation doesn't have to take longer. Whole fleet actions can be directed by the DATA supercomputer.

Naval DATA Management systems have also been designed and are somewhat smaller than ground based. These systems are for Flagships of traveling fleets and give the commander of a fleet full analysis of his situation. Linked to all possible sensors, the DATA system may quickly detect wholes in enemy formations or weaknesses in piloting skills of fights and bombers and at the same time offer ways to exploiting them. If weaknesses are detected, the system is able to transfer data among the other vessels of the fleet and timely organize a counter assault to exploit them. Coordination with the use of DATA has been tested and numbers are phenomenal. No living being could time assaults or actions better than a supercomputer and very few beings could detect small holes in enemy formations and shielding to take advantage of this. To help with combat, data on all ships in service are kept within the DATA core and can be accessed to allow for quicker and more effective planning.

The DATA system is so powerful that microjumps can be calculated quickly and efficiently from the exact point ships emerge from hyperspace. These microjumps may be recalculated and used for attacks or defensive actions. In addition, over 20 jump coordinates are always prestored in the DATA system before a jump to a certain location. These jump points are of areas along the hyperspace route and make it possible for the fleet to jump out as soon as it emerges into realspace if trouble is found. This increases the survival of the fleet greatly.

For protection reasons all DATA computer cores are kept sealed within self containing hardened polymer housings. These housings are nonmetallic and prevent ion energies to pass into the computer core to knock it out. All wires and such running into the computer first pass through specialized breaker devices which detect overloads and can shut off the feeds quickly enough to prevent damage to the DATA system core. Self destructs are also built into DATA and can be activated if the ship if damaged or boarded. When activated, disintegration fields are generated and in turn completely vaporize the whole system so that none of it falls into enemy hands.

The DATA system, both the Naval form as well as Ground form, has dedicated code breaking software installed on it. This software has been taking from the best slicer droids in the galaxy and enhanced further with the hiring of actually living slicers. These slices wrote special codes to allow the DATA computer core to analyze all forms of comm/information traffic and break it down in record times to slice into enemy communications. The system will eventually crack the most intense codes even after transmissions are ceased since all all recorded and analyzed further.

With the power of this computer core, many other functions may be found for it to do. It can automate whole cities and manage them completely if need be.


Page Information
Created By
Rob Stellar
Created On
Dec 3 2006 9:10pm
Last Updated
Dec 3 2006 9:10pm
Version Log