Dameun Hypergate
Based on the original Gree Hypergate, which fell into Dameun hands via IDTech's former trade agreement with TRA. Having run the advanced machine through a disassembler system the gate proved to have kept its secrets from even Dameun scientists. Though the Gree Hypergate may have been a failure, the idea itself was not. Basic functions of the Gree gate could be copied easily, while the overall design could not. The Dameun Hypergate, unlike the Gree version, doesnt transmit matter at all, but rather merely the Mystery of the person passing through the gate. The Gate is connected to the Intelligence Web directly, knowing each person passing through it, and recording any physical changes they had made to themselves at any time. This gate system, since it does not actually transmit physical beings, but merely data, and being that that same data is being set of the Intelligence web, can instantly send its user over an entire sectors distance without fail (multisector trips would require multiple Hypergates).
When a Dameun steps into the Hypergate their body is immediatly disassembled into its base atoms and stored in the gates matter capacitor. The Mystery is processed into the Itelligence web and instantly transmitted to an awaiting gate at the targets destination. As the Mystery of the user approaches the gate, the recieving gate reassembles the users body from the specific data transmitted with him/her/it using the materials in its own Matter capacitor. The Dameun Hypergate's are useless if they have no matter to convert with, and will hold transmitted mysteries in data storage until such time as there is enough useable materials with which to create.
Indeed the main difference between the Gree creation and Dameun design is the fact that the gree themselves required physical transmission and the Dameuns preffered to simply expand their intellect to where they needed to go and recreate themselves there. It should also be noted that should a non-Dameun step into a Dameun Hypergate they will be completely disassembled and be effectively dead, as they have no stored Mystery nor have a record with which to be recreated.
When a Dameun steps into the Hypergate their body is immediatly disassembled into its base atoms and stored in the gates matter capacitor. The Mystery is processed into the Itelligence web and instantly transmitted to an awaiting gate at the targets destination. As the Mystery of the user approaches the gate, the recieving gate reassembles the users body from the specific data transmitted with him/her/it using the materials in its own Matter capacitor. The Dameun Hypergate's are useless if they have no matter to convert with, and will hold transmitted mysteries in data storage until such time as there is enough useable materials with which to create.
Indeed the main difference between the Gree creation and Dameun design is the fact that the gree themselves required physical transmission and the Dameuns preffered to simply expand their intellect to where they needed to go and recreate themselves there. It should also be noted that should a non-Dameun step into a Dameun Hypergate they will be completely disassembled and be effectively dead, as they have no stored Mystery nor have a record with which to be recreated.