Crystal Joint Multipurpose Starfighter (Seren Ship Tech)
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Name/Type: Crystal Join Multipurpose Starfighter
Designer/Manufacturer: Serendivus Engineering working with Galactic Coalition Research and Development, Star Fighter Department
Combat Role: Multipurpose Starfighter
Crew: 2 (Pilot/Co-Pilot) And Various other crews depending on Module Type.
Length: 16 meters (length could be incresed depending on modules)
Speed: 100 MGLT (80 MGLT with Cloaking engaged)
Hyperdrive: x1
Shield Rating: 1 SBD
Hull Rating: 335 RU (plus higher or lower depending on modules)
Weapons: Other than the two very light Tam/Bak Laser Cannons, it really varies depending on what modules are connected and what deployment directive is used.
Other: Standard Seren Cloak Drive MK 1

The Crystal was developed to replace the X-wing starfighter that the Serendivus have relied upon for so many years; it's outstanding service record speaks for itself.

However because of the problems that plagued the universe and also due to increased pirate activity - the Serendivus made a request and was granted the help of the Galactic Coalition.

This partnership requested in the succesful creation of the Crystal - a multipurpose starfighter that can take on many roles - what used to require six different fighter craft, now only requires one.

The Crystal can become a long range recon ship, or a heavily armed assault fighter. The various modules and weapon's that can be attached to this ship could make a mechanic's head role - quite literally.

However in order to accomplish this feat, the Crystal has to sacrifice shields; but in it's place is Adaptive Armor, a type of technology that the Serendivus have been researching and developing for the quite some time. The Adaptive Armor is a type of armor that is both refractive and reflective - making energy weapons 'almost' useless against this fighter.

But like with all ships; armor can't be located in certain locations. However what it lacks in shields, it's makes up for in it's stealth capability.

For the first time the Serendivus granted the release of blue prints for the standard cloak mk 1 to an outside source - however like all cloak drives - this drive is equiped to fry itself and make it so that no one else can copy it.

Various Modules:

Bomber Module
Recon Module
Heavy Fighter Module
Assault Fighter Module
Deep Scan Module
Jammer Module

Description of Modules:

Bomber Module - The bomber module is a various of torpedo tubes attached to the wings of the Crystal. The module come's with eight different tubes capible of carrying two different types of Torpedos. The Standard Proton Torpedo and the newer 'Wide Burst' Torpedo that the Serendivus tend to use on station's. The 'Wide Burst' torpeod is a type of torpedo that splinters on a ships hull, causing wide area damage and an increased chance of breaching the hull. Requires one extra crew member. +25 to Hull Rating. -4 on Speed

Recon Module - The Recon module is a set of various antenna's and dish's that allows the ship to scan the area around it and collect information related to ships, stations and asteroids. It's not capible of picking up cloaked ships, it's lightly armed but not really useful ina fight. Requires two extra crew members. -100 to Hull Rating. +45 on speed

Heavy Fighter Module - The HF Module come's with six specialy designed cold fusion blasters and four tam/bak laser cannons. Also fited is the new Anti-Fighter Torpedo. This Torpedo is more meneverable than the Proton, but less destructive, but it's lack of firepower is made up for in it's speed and agility. Requires one extra crew member. +100 to Hull Rating. -6 on speed

Assault Fighter Module - The AF Module is something that the Serendivus like to refer as "Death's Ring" this module features only two cannons, but these two cannons are very powerful and exthremely deadly to any ship that decides to get directly in it's line of sight; Commonly called the "Nova Cannon" this cannon fire's a concentrated beam of energy straight ahead, because of this the fighter can't turn that fast and the beam can basically be evaded; but this doesn't mean the fighter is easy to destroy. The AF module also come's with four manned turrets located on the top, bottom, rear, and forward. Requires six extra crew members. +200 to hull rating. +2 on speed

Deep Scan Module - The DS Module is a more advanced version of the Recon Module, the difference is that this module can scan deep into space and pick up approuching vessels long before they arrive. It's also capible of detecting any known cloaking fields utilized by the various factions; it is not, however, able to pick up those used by the Black Dragon Empire as the Seren's have yet to encounter them - nor do this wish it. Requires two extra crewmembers. -150 to Hull Rating. +5 on speed.

Jammer Module - The Jammer module is packed with various ecm and eccm devices; made to jam everything form guidance computers, targeting devices and scanner of enemy ships making it a battle where the enemy has to use their eyes and not their scanners. This ship is armed with four unmanned anti-ordanance turrets made specifically to take down torpedo's and missiles. Requires. Requires one extra crew member. -175 on Hull Rating. +8 on speed.

Basically; while this is a multipurpose ship, in no way should it be unestimated.


The Adaptive Armor is not impervisous, it can be breached if enough fire is concentrated in one spot.

Because of the lack of shields, more armor is applied to the various modules. This also either incerase's or decrease's the speed of the shp, the lighter the armor the faster, while the heavier the armor the slower.

(Items here are subject to change without notice)


Page Information
Created By
Created On
Jan 12 2007 7:11am
Last Updated
Jan 12 2007 7:11am
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