cc9600 MkII
cc9600 Mk II Assault Frigate.

Craft: cc9600 Mark II
Designation: Assault Frigate
Mission Profile: Transport/Assault.
Designer: Corellian Engineering.
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering
Keel: Two Hundred and Seventy Meters
Beam: One Hundred and Forty Meters
Mast: Eighty Meters
Crew: one captain, one executive officer, Four rotating shifts of 12 officer command crew with twelve reserve officers. one chief of the boat, four master chiefs, Seventy Boatsmen, one chef Engineer, ten engineers, twelve Damage control, and forty marine security.
Troops: Four troop retrofitted cargo holds each housing three hundred troopers and equipment for a total of one thousand two hundred troopers.
Passengers: Up to four hundred with aft cargo hold passenger renovation. removes two A5 Juggernaughts from support listing.
Consumables: Full crew and troop compliment = twelve months, Crew only = thirty six months
Cargo: Seven Cargo bays capable of holding seven thousand five hundred tons with troops, twenty thousand tons without troops.
Armor: Ten cm Duranium Alloy Armor with an average armor resistance rating of twelve hundred RU
Shielding: Two Delphus JC-671 Shield Projectors outputting an average of one thousand four hundred and fifty SBD
Speed: Four Corellian Evader GT Ion Drives.
Maximum tolerable Sublight Speed: sixteen MGLT
Standard full thrust Acceleration: seven MGLT/s
Maximum maneuverability threshold: four DPF
Power: Two Quadex Reactor Cores producing one point four five times ten to the sixteenth power watts of energy.
Targeting: two Neuro-saav k64 targeting computers, TAARS Resolution Software.
Sensors: Two Ans 9.sw Wide Range Sensor Arrays,
Communications: Standard Subspace Transceiver. Tight Band Laser Communications array.
Countermeasures: Four Flare launchers, six Chaff launchers. six Decoy Drones.
Support: six V-wing Airspeeders, four T4b Assault Tanks, six T1b Hovor Tanks, two A5 Juggernaught assault Vehicles
Four Quad Taim and Bak Xj7 Turbolaser Cannon Turrets (Dorsol Mounts)
Eight Double H6 Light Turbolaser Cannons Turrets (four on each Flank)
Eight Heavy Concussion Missile Tubes. (Prow tubes, four Missiles each)
Eight Concussion Missile Tubes. (four Tubes on each flank, sixteen missiles per tube)
Eight GA-60s Point Defense Double Laser Cannons

The modernization program will start with the few Corellian cc9600 frigates we have at our disposal. They will be updated, modernized refurbished and deployed as Assault ships. With atmospheric capabilities these ships can land and deploy troops to a plant to support Infiltrators and local freedom fighters.

R and D pending


Page Information
Created By
Created On
May 8 2010 7:29pm
Last Updated
May 8 2010 7:29pm
Version Log