AGM R&D, Titans (Organism)
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Height: 30-45 feet tall.

The titans are giant beings, created at the very begining of time, along with the big bang. Being the very first life forms, they existed in a world without air, or earth. For years they floated, and would have died, but one thing saved them.

The force.

Being the only life, Midi-cloriens (sp?) filled their boddy to such an extent they fed the cells of the titans for centuries.

Finally they came across the first piece of land, a molten ball of flames, one day to be known as Azguard. They lived on Azguards' moon for aeons, quiet and meditativ, until one day they saw Azguard as solid, and decided it was time to do something interesting.

The two dozen Titans, drifting through space, landed on Azguard. There they found a highly primitive species, The Azguardians. Each Titan pitied these poor, warsome, starved creatures, and taught them how to survive. Every tribe followed a titan who taught them, and in turn the Titan learnt also.

The titans changed on Azguard. Their cell structure was designed to adapt to whatever ecology they found themselves in. The Titans, worried about these changes, met at a grand meeting, and decided each would be responsible for one element. Their bodies changed over millenia to be more usefull in its' chosen element, even gaining control over some bits.

But one Titan, Graksnik, would not adapt, and grew Jealous of his brothers' powers. He lead his tribe on a terrible war, which lasted for eight-hundred years. By the end of it, twelve Titans were dead, Six were banished, and Six remained:

Yunos, God of the Sun. (Humanoid)
Relokan, God of Fire (Large, flaming Tigre)
Herluy, God of Winds and Lightning (Huge Eagle)
Jarvis, God of Water (Octopus)
Argrak, God of Earth (Construct of earth and stone (Think Lotr ents made of rocks))
Ishon, God of Darkness and the night (Great bat)

These six beings, the mightiest creatures on all of Azguard, decided to retreat deep into their homes in their element so as to make sure the great war never reoccurs. But they left instructions, so that if anyone needed to bring them back they could be r-awakened. The Azguardians, in this time of strife and war, have decided to reawaken their ancient gods.

(OOC: they arn't actually gods but their size, combined with their immortality and their ability to adapt makes them seem like gods. The "Research time" (time it takes to awaken them) would have to be ad hoc, so This may take time. Only the six which exist now could ever exist: if one dies no new one come to take its' place.)


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Created On
Jan 3 2003 5:34pm
Last Updated
Jan 3 2003 5:34pm
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