AGM R&D: The Super Computer
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The super computer. It is a cube abouit twenty feet wide and thirty feet high in the top security military base on Azguard. There it is linked to every system, every computer, every ship owned by the Azguards. It is the hub of their computer power. If the computer networks were a world, this would be their capital.

But of course, many factions use powerful computers to control their ownings. This is its PUBLIC use. What it is is a gateway for the simple Azguard mind.

Azguards are brilliant, in a stupid sort of way. They can calculate, think, build, feel emotion, etc, but are also very dumb in logic and hunches and, especially, abstract concepts.

The computer is another thing that takes mastering for them. The abstract principles that one thinks of when designing and using computers, is way beyond their minds. This is their answer, a way to link the Azguards to the computers in a way they understand.

The process involves placing on a helmet, being placed in a large white room bellow the computer, and entering a near-perfect "translation of the computer world". It cuts down ideas and concepts and explains them to azguards in a way they understand, like e-mail actually being letters, and encryption being a large stone wall or even a labyrinth blocking and area.

The computer also observes closely the actions of the azguard, and translates it into computer terms. If he tries to climb the wall, he is breaking the encryption. If he has softwear to simplify the code breaking, maybe there is a rope and grapling hook next to the wall.

Unfortunatly, this also carries risks. Not all situationss are safe, such as encountering computer viruses. If the computer dies, the electrical backlash when the signal to the helmet breaks could easily be fatal.

Even with this risk, Regrad, lord of Azguard (me) saw the value of this, and sent TARGET (his explorations league) on a mission of 'exploration' througout the galaxy. But that wasn't all they were doing. The have standing orders to plant a gateway bug onto any computer theyu can. The bug is implated by removing the covering on a wire and replacing it with Azguard-wire-fiber whose insides are laced with a special type of energy-imprinted message, modifying the computer and sending a "Gate" to the main computer.

This has expanded their computer world, and with this teachnology, with no equal or comparative, the Azguards one day wish to rule the galactic computers, knowing that with those in their power there could be no more wars, and only peace throughout the galaxy because no ships or computers would do anything contrary to the Azguards' opinions of ethics and rights of the individual.


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Created On
Mar 21 2003 4:17am
Last Updated
Mar 21 2003 4:17am
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