A280K Fleet Carbine

The A280K Fleet Carbine is designed to give troopers the punch of the A280, but in a package that is less cumbersome in close-quarters. This weapons would be carried by officers assigned to landing parties, commandos operating in urban environments, and security detachments aboard ship. Stock model would have a four position fire selector: SAFE, SEMI, BURST, AUTO. Semi-auto offers greater accuracy, but a lower rate of fire. Automatic fire is limited to only 5 seconds, and it drains the power pack considerably, although the Heavy Weapons variant uses a larger powerpack, or can feed from a "battery backpack." The A280K would also be available in several variants.
Marksman - 4x scope, semi- and automatic firing only, bipod
CQC - 1x red dot scope, suppressor, flash hider,
Recon - 2x scope, holo-imager
Heavy Weapons - 2x scoper, automatic firing only, grenade launcher/shotgun
Infiltrator - Reflex holo-sight, detachable stock, shorter barrel, holo-imager
Flash hider diverts the muzzle flash laterally, thus preventing blindness when looking through the scope.
I'm not entirely sure how the suppressor would work . . . any ideas?