
(Belongs to the Contegorian Confederation)
Budpock (Planetary Info)
Type: Planet
Position in System: 2nd
Galactic Region: Mid Rim
Environment: Mountains
Length of Day (in standard hours): 23.5
Length of Year (in local days): 342
Native Sentient Races: None
Sentient Population: Humans
Planetary Defences: Flak Tower Network, 2 Gencore II Shield Generators, various Contegorian Defence Units
Budpock Government
Capitol City: Demmit Station
Form of Government: Representative Democracy
Leaders: President Hilbelink
Population: 3,900,000
Chief Products:
Agriculture- No large scale agriculture
Industry- No large scale industry
Mining – durasteel, trimantium, other common metals.
Official History: Budpock was a New Republic-aligned planet in the Meridian Sector. However, the world was also a haven for pirate gangs. Many of these groups were provoked by Dzym to attack neighboring Ampliquen, breaking the truce between Budpock and Ampliquen. Budpock is also notable for its position on the Perlemian Trade Route.
TRF History: With the fall of the New Republic, Budpock plunged in anarchy, ultimately ending up in the hands of the pirate gangs that had ruthlessly occupied the mining colony. The pirates were moderately successful in their raiding, but made the mistake of attacking ships carrying Commonwealth and Coalition personnel. The two factions made a joint strike and secured the planet. This has finally allowed the miners and other citizens of the planet return to life without daily wide-spread volience and fear. While Budpock is a member of the Contegorian Confederation and the Coalition, there is a relatively strong Vinda-Capricia Commonwealth presence there, which includes a VC naval base and the Commonwealth embassy to the Contegorian Confederation. As well, the Commonwealth receives are portion of the planet’s products for their own use.
Role in the Contegorian Confederation: Budpock serves as a major trading post between the Commonwealth and the members of the Contegorian Confederation. Aside from that, Budpock also produces common raw materials that help feed the industries of Kashan and Uffel. There is a small defence fleet stationed on the planet, consisting of the captured pirate ships and a few other vessels, that regularly searches the area and attempts to destroy and criminal activity.