
Baralou (Planetary Info)
Type: Planet
Solar System: Baralou
Planetary System: Baralou
Galactic Region: Mid Rim
Environment: Ocean, Jungle islands, barren rock islands
Length of Day (in standard hours): 22
Length of Year (in local days): 295
Native Sentient Races: Multopos, Krikthasi
Sentient Population: Humans
Planetary Defences: 2 Gencore II Planetary Shield Generators, Flak Tower Network.
Genon Government
Capitol City: Fond du Lac
Form of Government: Republic
Leaders: President Dewol
Chief Products:
Agriculture- Bestrum Algae foodstuffs, aquaculture, fishing
Industry- No substantial industry
Mining – Gemstones
Official Description (Copyright of Wookiepedia):
Baralou was the first planet of the Baralou system. It was a warm, wet world home to two native sentinent species, the Krikthasi and the Multopo, along with many aquatic species and poisonous plants. The world is nearly completely covered by oceans with only several chains of small islands above water. The planet’s four moons cause violent storms and have a tremendous influence on the tides, sometimes resulting in tidal shifts of over 50 meters.
Baralou contained many mineral and natural resources. The internal pressures of the planet form a tremendous amount and variety of gemstones. Rubies, sasho gems, kuggerags, diamonds and jasse hearts are just a few of the gemstones that can be found on most of the islands. Most islands have a large amount of plant growth, most of which is special in two ways. First, the plants and trees have very deep reaching root systems to anchor against the tidal waves and tides. Second, most plants, including the native fruits and vegetables, bear at least traces of poison that affect most non-natives.
Baralou’s oceans teemed with aquatic life. Many primitive plants grew beneath the waters, including bestrum algae and various aquatic grasses. Brightly colored fish could be found everywhere. Some species of note are the Treppok and Grotseth.
The two native populations, both stone age cultures, did not enjoy good relations. The amphibious Multopos, while friendly to traders, were traditional enemies of the undersea dwelling Krikthasi.
The Rebel Alliance had a small presence on the Baralou in the form of Aqualis Base, which provided many foodstuffs for the Alliance.
TRF History: The world managed to escape the galactic war completely unnoticed, in part because it was so out of the way. The Confederation came to the world originally on the request of those still running Aqualaris Base. Eventually, the Confederation attempted to negotiate a truce between the Multopos and the Krikthasi which would also bring them into the folds of the Confederation. While the Multopos were quite willing to join, the Krikthasi were not. The Krikthasi chief challenged the Confederation to send out a champion to fight for his tribe's allegiance. The Confederation sent out a Paladin II, which promptly won the challenge. The defeated chief then attempted to attack Rear-Admiral Lucerne, who promptly impaled him with his sword, thereby winning the full allegiance of the Krikthasi though trial by combat. Months later, the Confederation had fully fortified the world and set up several Algae processing planets to harvest more food as well as introduced a secret gemstone mining operation that provides much of the funds needed for the Confederation's many planetary defenses.
Role in the Contegorian Confederation: Baralou serves an agricultural world through the many aqua foodprocessing plants that hover around its vast seas. Fishing, especially of the Treppok is also a sizeable industry. The millions of tons of food produced by this planet by government operations helps feeds several of the Confederation's largest planets, particularly those close to the Confederation's so-called "core". Just as importantly, the planet is mined solely by the government for its vast amount of gemstones. Profits from that operation fund large-scale projects undertaken by the Confederate government.
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