
(Belongs to the Confederation)
Audacia (Planetary Info)
Type: Planet
Position in System: 3rd
Solar System: NT2386230
Galactic Region: Expansionary / Mid Rim
Environment: Grassland/ Prairie/ Urban
Length of Day (in standard hours): 32.5
Length of Year (in local days): 632
Native Sentient Races: None
Sentient Population: Humans
Planetary Defences: 1 KDY v150 Ion Cannon, 2 Gencore I Shield Generators, various Contegorian Defence Units
Audacian Government
Capitol City: Soresu
Form of Government: Oligarchy
Leaders: Elders of the Soresu
Population: 18,500,000
Chief Products:
Agriculture- Grains, bantha & Nerf Fillets
Industry- No large scale industry
Mining – No large scale industry
History: Audacia is backwater agricultural world that has been inhabited for hundreds of years. However, it has only recently garnered a significant population as it was one of the few worlds to openly take refugees from worlds devastated by the Vong. Because of this background, most Audacians are extremely vigilant and militaristic, determined to not let the same fate come to pass on their new homeworld. As such, nearly all Audacians train for combat, not by law, but by the popular culture of the world. Most Audacians carry weapons on them wherever they are, with the exception of government buildings, in which they are not allowed.
Aside from the few metropolitian areas that dot world, it is mostly dedicated to agriculture. Where prairies were, there are grains and ranches for Banthas and Nerfs. Even the planet’s oceans are used for aquaculture and for raising fish. The large amount of foodstuffs it produces makes it a valuable planet in its surrounding area, which includes both Genon and Kashan. Recently, the planet was inducted into the Coalition and the newly formed Contegorian Confederation.
Role in the Contegorian Confederation:
Audacia serves as the main supplier of food within the Confederation, for which it is highly valued. Some of the foodstuffs made onplanet are used to directly supply the various Contegorian Confederation forces, including the planet’s new defence fleet, which is composed of KDI vessels. Military-wise, the planet is noted for supplying over 65% of the Contegorian Confederation’s army. All of those troopers have been trained and equipped like Kashan Shock Troopers, making them nearly indistinguishable for their combat mentors.