In the wake of Katrina...
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On this board you may find observations and/or comments regarding the event and aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Whatever your opinions, one thing remains a simple fact: There are people who are in need of help.

If you would like to help please refer to the site below. If there are other links to sites where aid and/or comfort may be rendered, please post them and we shall add them.

Perhaps you have relatives in and around the disaster areas. The following link may help:

Unfortunately, Katrina is not the first disaster to hit nor will it be the last. No matter the area, if you have information that can be utilized to provide relief to those suffering, feel free to contact the Staff to have such information posted on the TRF Portal.

The Portal is not simply for TRF IC roleplaying and TRF-related events but we would like to also display articles about those things that affect our members in real life.

If you are participating in an event (such as the NAMI walk previously posted) or if there is a crisis or emergency happening in your area that others may not be aware of and would like to post a small article or information on TRF's Portal, please contact the Staff and we will arrange it. Such articles should be clean, free of flames, and in good taste for general public viewing.


Page Information
Created By
Created On
Sep 3 2005 12:30am
Last Updated
Sep 3 2005 12:30am
Version Log