TRF Sitcom moments five: The search for more money
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: May 10 2004 3:59pm
Yes! Another round of moments! After seeing some of the goings-on around here lately, I felt one was just simply needed.

DISCLAIMER: I embelish, alter, and add to stories to make them interesting, take that into account when reading the Moments below.


No more Kamon.

Gash awakens to a surprisingly quiet day. Walking downstairs, he sees Kas looking out the window.

"What's up?" Calls Gash, getting some breakfast.

"Looks like Kamon is up and leaving." answers Kas.

"What? Really? Says Gash, and he hurries to look out the window too.

Sure enough, there's Kamon, getting his stuff together.

"Well, for all his faults, he'll be missed." says Gash with a nod.

Kas, surprised, says "Its' odd to hear you take such a stance, Gash, how come?"

"One less Republican to make fun of."


Out with the old, in with the new.

Kas is sitting on a grassy knoll, watching the Nationstates forum. Nothings' happening. With a sigh, he goes back to reading a little work he has to do, when a dull scraping noise reaches his ears. Looking up, he sees Ahnk and friends dragging off the old Nationstates forum and replacing it with a new, shiny Star Craft forum.

"What's going on here!?" He insists.

"Well" says Ahnk "Its' not like anyone's using it anyways, and to be frank Nationstates sucks."

"What do you mean nationstates sucks!? What has Starcraft got that Nationstates hasn't?"

A distant voice reaches their ears "Eat Nukes! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"As I said" says Ahnk "Nationstates sucks."


Dolash joins the Empire

Dolash clambers out of the bathroom window at Al's Pizza Shop/Coalition Command basement. Checking to make sure no one saw him, he slips onto the main road. Keeping his coat up around his head, he dodges around the large crowds unseen. Finally, he stands before the Imperial HQ And Recruitment Tower, a multi-story behemoth of steel and stone. Knocking lightly on the door, it opens for him and he steps inside.

All he can see is darkness, he can't see his own feet, but he steps in. There is a whoosh as the door closes behind him and torches around the room burst into flames. Simon, with a sheet of parchment and blood red ink - at least, hopefully ink- sits at the far end, grinning malevolently.

"Ah, Dolash, we have been excpecting you. MuhahahahhahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Um, you have?"

"Yes, we can see Al's from here."



Jedi Vs. Sith. No, seriously.

Standing above galactic events like gawds, Kas and Gash look down upon the galaxy, observing the great battles and political changes as one would watch the television. With a wave of their hands, whole regions are changed forever. But somthing is piquing their interest, however, its' too small to see.

"Magnify, fifty times" commands Gash. The galaxy races up to meet them, but still, they cannot see anything.

"Magnifty, a hundred times" They still cannot see it.

"Perhaps it is nothing, Gash? A glitch or something like that?"

"No, wait, what's that?" Gash points to the tiniest pinprick of light on far away Corellia. Magnifying a thousand times more, they finally can see the minute actions of perhaps a half-dozen sith and Jedi.

"Is that all!?" declares Gash with surprise.

"Apparently" Said Kas "But what did you expect?"

"Hm... Good point." And with that, the two of them went back to important things.


Apparitions: making The Matrix look easy to understand by comparison.

Kas, along with a group of friends, are watching apparitions unfold.

"Is that a lawyer or a detective?"

"Can't tell, but what does he have to do with Galactus exploding?"

"And why did they show Palpetine plotting about Simon's Father?"

"Not sure, but maybe it has something to do with Endgame."

"I think perhaps they're going to get rid of Hyfe."

"I dunno, I think Theren might do something too."

"This makes no sense" says Kas, shaking his head. "What are they up to over at Imperial Command?

Over at Imperial Command

"Dude, this @#%$'s great." *click of lighter*

"Could you put that down for one minute and give me a hand with this post? Or at least bring me one."


Merger Madness

"Wait, so they're the Federation now?" Asks Gash.

"I don't think so" says Kas "But I know they're not the Republic."

"Why can't they just stick with The Coalition or the Soverinty? Why do they need a new name?"

"Its' to represent the rebirth of their faction, or something like that. Don't ask me, I don't really know."

"@#%$, does anyone even care anyways? They've got like two active members, neither of which can do @#%$ without the leader, who's usually off pretending to be his own older brother long enough to complain about what's going on and leave. Even if they could, they've gone through like five name changes, not much national unity there."

"Yes" says Kas "But its' their right to do so, I guess."

The two look on, as a poorly constructed excuse to have intergalactic rebels fighting each other plods on.

"I say we ignore it, maybe it'll die."


Worlds' politeset rebels

In the rebel command, a dangerous assortment of cut-throats and revoloutionaries are gathered around a rough-cut table. At the head, Zell stands and begins the meeting.

"All right, I hearby call the first meeting of the New Rebellion to order. I say its' about time we start planning our first operations against the Empire."

"Um" says one rebel "Why the Empire?"

"Why the Empire???" Shouts Zell "Are you joking, mate? The Empire is one of the biggest threats in the galaxy, I mean, what have they ever done for us?"


"The hyperroutes"


"Well, the Hyperroutes, they keep them safe and well mapped for travel."

"Oh, yes. I guess that's one thing the Empire has done for us."

"And national unity" says another rebel. "This place used to be utter chaos, they have brough a sense of community and unity to the galaxy."

"I'll grant you that - "

"And universal health care."

"All right, so I admit there are some things the Empire have given us, but honestly, what have they brought with them?"


"They brought peace?"

"Peace" spits Zell "Shut up."


Just wants to be loved.

"Come in Mr... Noggoth, is it?"

Sheepishly, Brutus enters the psychologist's room, and lies down on the couch.

"Now, Brutus, tell me about this "terrorism" you're worried you indulge too much into."

"Well, ever since I was a little boy, I blew stuff up for attention. When my kindergarden teacher wouldn't listen to me, I blew up the letter blocks spelling out "Brutus" over her head to try and make her listen."

"So even from an early age, you needed attention? Why is this?"

"Well, my mother and father never did pay much attention to me. For my third birthday I got the Anarchists' Cookbook, and from there I just sort of developed this career so people would listen to me. Its' not easy, growing up, when no one will listen.

"I understand" says the psychologist "Its' quite common for people to want to justify the reason no one listens to them is because they are above everyone, you have no reason to be afraid of that. But I'll have to ask you to put out that stick of dynamite and let my secretary go."

"Oh, sure doc."


See you next time! Until then, Dolash away!
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: May 10 2004 6:58pm
Heh heh.

Very python-esque, that second last one.

I like!
  • Posted On: May 10 2004 9:16pm
Second last one is good.
Posts: 383
  • Posted On: May 11 2004 12:31am
I'm, I'm not psycho... hehheheh.... I pefer the term:

Maniacally Evil.

Oooohh..... fire....

*Stares intently at flames*
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: May 11 2004 4:01am
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: May 11 2004 11:18pm
  • Posted On: May 12 2004 1:29am
I like how you used the name "Zell" as the person hating the Empire... kind of ironic considering that Zell was one of the original members of the Empire here at TRF.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: May 12 2004 2:17am
I use OOC names for people usually, since the majority of the events are OOC in nature.
Posts: 1913
  • Posted On: May 13 2004 2:30pm
I didn't laugh at all this time. Is Dolash losing his touch?
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: May 13 2004 4:14pm
Nah, I think your just losing you sense of humor.