Three MC-85 Cruisers at Endor???
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Mar 3 2006 9:40pm
Now most of the sites or books I've visited say that there were two Home One class ships, or MC-85s, at the battle of Endor, the Home One and the Liberator. The former was the flagship of Ackbar and survived the battle, but the Liberator was destroyed by the Death Star after General Solo's starfighters help to clear away an attack of TIE Fighters, this being the second shot seen in the movie.

Now then, when the entire Rebel fleet attacks the Executor, there are three Calamarian cruisers seen in and around the flagship. There's the Home One to the front and right of the destroyer, and there's two MC-80 type cruisers to the left of the Home One, one of which finishes off an ImpStar when Ackbar gives the order to concentrate all firepower on the Executor. But there's a fourth cruiser, have already passed the Executor, but I could see by her stern that she's definitly an MC-85 type. Let me show you.

You see one MC-80 partially covered by Ackbar's nose finishing off an ImpStar. You see the bow of a second MC-80 visible behind Ackbar's head.

You see the one MC-80 that had just finished off the one Impstar coming in close to the Executor.

You see the MC-80 in the above picture, and here you see the stern of the second MC-85 well behind the Executor.

Finally, to prove it wasn't Ackbar's ship, here is Ackbar himself in his ship still ahead of the Executor.

So there ya have it. Comments?
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Mar 3 2006 10:15pm
Posts: 2504
  • Posted On: Mar 3 2006 10:28pm
interesting thing to notice, but none of those pics work
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Mar 3 2006 10:34pm
Krak, you've gotta work on digging up more controversial topics for us Star Wars Geeks to digest.


Han shot first!
Posts: 23
  • Posted On: Mar 3 2006 10:39pm
You need to find yourself a girl.... or a hobby.
Posts: 691
  • Posted On: Mar 3 2006 10:41pm
Or where are the sheilds on a Star destroyer; the globes (crashing rebel ship takes them out) or are just projected from within?
Or Imperator or Imperial class?

*I say they shot at the same time, but Han's shot hit Greedo before Greedo's hit the wall*
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Mar 3 2006 11:43pm
All I am seeing is that Ackbar didn't do shit but sit around on his bum.
Posts: 936
  • Posted On: Mar 4 2006 12:29am
Okatus obviously 15...

The whole debate is this: in the origional Star Wars han shot first, but in the 1997 remake george went back and changed it so they shot at the same time. So now all the zitfaced nerds who live in their parents basement just argue over that all day.

My personal though? I think George shoud go back and edit it again so that it ends with a nice bro hug...
Posts: 551
  • Posted On: Mar 4 2006 12:50am
All the models were made for a bit 5 bucks so I wouldn't worry too much.

Also, in the new Star Wars at least I think, when the stormtroopers are first entering the commcenter on the Death Star where R2-D2 and C-3PO are one of them hits there head off the roof and swears. At least it sure sounded like a swear.
Posts: 936
  • Posted On: Mar 4 2006 12:56am
It's true, on my first date with my girlfreind she specifically got out that movie just to show me that.