Pretty self-explanitory. I'm far too lazy/uncreative/lazy to make a sig for myself. So I'm enlising the aide of you to do it for me. The prize: knowing you're better than someone else. And a guaranteed job in the field of graphic design*.
Now, Demosthenes X is not a character, so pictures of attractive superstars won't do. Be creative, you know. Shadows and shit like that. Or some clever lyrics, those always seem to go over well.
Include your little "copyright me" dealie so credit can be given where due.
Extra marks for anything that subtely disses anyone not me, and extra extra marks if I get confused.
* Not a guarantee
Now, Demosthenes X is not a character, so pictures of attractive superstars won't do. Be creative, you know. Shadows and shit like that. Or some clever lyrics, those always seem to go over well.
Include your little "copyright me" dealie so credit can be given where due.
Extra marks for anything that subtely disses anyone not me, and extra extra marks if I get confused.
* Not a guarantee