Posted On:
Oct 28 2005 12:26am
And I’m posting on TRF. Isn’t technology great?
And as a side note, am I the only person on the board who both loves and hates getting a new computer? I love it for the newness and cool factor and hate it for the five plus hours it takes for me to install all my essentials, adjust everything so it is customized just so and in general get ‘settled in’. Ooooh, wait, that feels better. at’s going to take me days to get this thing customized.
Posted On:
Oct 28 2005 12:30am
i swear we have to frame this thread.
Posted On:
Oct 28 2005 12:32am
Anyone remember how to turn off the curly quotes in MS Word? I hate those blasted things...
Posted On:
Oct 28 2005 1:03am
Wordpad? blech
Microsoft Office suite all the way.
...curly quotes? as in just straight lines instead? Tools>autocorrect options>autoformat as you type tab>uncheck the first one, something about replacing straight with curly.
Posted On:
Oct 28 2005 1:03am
isnt that the little post-it thing that flys around the screen giving pointers?
Posted On:
Oct 28 2005 1:08am
That's it OS, thanks! I was digging in options and customization. Completly missed that menu item.
Posted On:
Oct 28 2005 1:09am
Mine's a dog and his name is Rocky.
He's there so I have something to distract me though. Even though my knowledge of computers is well above average (hey, I build my own computers), my major required that I take a 101 level computer confluence class. Sooo many computer illiterate people in there, it's comical. Easiest 5 credits ever to be made.
The first day... we learned... HOW TO MAKE A SHORTCUT ON THE DESKTOP! WHOOO!
Now we're memorizing the entire Microsoft Office suite, which I did 5 years ago in my Microsoft Office class in high school. *sigh*
Posted On:
Oct 28 2005 1:10am
I still can't get used to that avatar of yours. Looks so damn painful.