Posted On:
Jan 7 2006 1:50pm
http://www.nostalgiacentral.com/features/20moviethings.htmsome of these I had noticed before, like the L-shaped sheets, but others I totally overlooked, like number 28...
Posted On:
Jan 7 2006 3:00pm
Some funny stuff! And quite a bit of it is true, when you think about it.
Posted On:
Jan 8 2006 4:23pm
on number 28, Archie's dad tells me that with early phones, that was how you got the operators attention, so I guess movies still use the image even though it doesn't work on phones today
Posted On:
Jan 11 2006 9:31pm
Well, #14 and #5 are true, to an extent, anyway. You just have to have some skill picking a lock.