Posted On:
Aug 19 2002 2:23am
A little over a year and a half ago, I was asked to partake in a fan film a few of my firends were making. I said I'd love to.
And I did help out, but not in the way I was going to origionally. Instead of apearing in the flick, I helped with the story. It's really a great watch.
www.danallan.com The name of the film is Middle Ground. Enjoy.
Posted On:
Aug 19 2002 11:11pm
30 minutes? What is it like a few hundred MGs? That would take me DAYS to download on my shitely dialup.
Posted On:
Aug 20 2002 3:17am
nope, 16 megs. Still prolly take a while, though. :/
Posted On:
Aug 20 2002 2:42pm
Hm. Must be pretty low quality.
That is neat though, that you helped make a fan film. If its any good, you should try to submit it to the TF.N fan film gallery.
Posted On:
Aug 21 2002 9:37am
I've heard many fan films are pretty good.
And if it didn't take a week on average to download half of one... I just might consider watching one!!!
Posted On:
Aug 21 2002 1:41pm
I think sound was what was given the shaft when compressing it...
But yeah, anyone with a dial-up modem should get withthe times, and until then, prolly not download if you don't have some nice time at the comp. :p
Posted On:
Aug 21 2002 2:39pm
*tries to get with the times*
Remembers he has this little problem called.... PARENTS.
Posted On:
Aug 21 2002 10:04pm
Oh yeah... well.. suck up.. royally...
hell, bribe them.
Posted On:
Aug 21 2002 10:08pm
If he had the money to bribe them, he wouldn't have to even worry about them, just have it piped in.
Where I live the only access faster than a 56k is a Dish. And that is at least $60 a month.
Posted On:
Aug 27 2002 2:20pm
If you'r all looking for fan films to download that are quick for dial-up modems (like mine) go to
www.atomfilms.com and search for starwars and you'll get the whole official Star wars fan film network.
Or there's a link to it in the news archives at the SW site.
Some are incredibly hilareous, I suggest you all check it out.