A little confused
Posts: 936
  • Posted On: Nov 5 2005 12:30pm
I've been looking at alot of old threads, and 2 questions popped up I need to ask.

1. Taking over planets: I forget where, but somebody said that there was a 7 day time minimum or something, even though the FAQ just says a 5000 word roleplay. It was like "I remember before the 7 day planet takeover rule was made, where we'd go on weekend long conquests" or something. So is it 5000, or a 7 day campaign, or 5000 words over 7 days or what?

2. How do shipyards work. Are you going by gungan council rules, 2 ships per planet a 150m a day each, or what? I read on the Hapes thing about their ship construction that right now or recently each shipyard was building 5 light cruisers over I think a week. I'm confused.

Help appriciated
Posts: 1584
  • Posted On: Nov 5 2005 3:57pm
The first thing you should notice about TRF is that by all means, it is no TGC. I suggest you take a little time and read the rules page in detail. Most specifically this page, which clearly indicates TRF's stance on fleeting:

Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Nov 5 2005 5:02pm
The old threads won't help you with regards to the rules because over time the rules changed. Read our FAQ page to get the current rules.

And no, we don't go by the Gungan Council rules.

Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Nov 5 2005 6:31pm
A takeover has to be 5000 words and it has to be done over a reasonable amount of time. I don't think there is an amount of days or anything, but they don't want you writing up 5000 words on Word Perfect or Word or whatever and then making a massive 5000 post saying you now own a planet, without giving people a chance to respond, interfere, help out, whatever.
Posts: 1109
  • Posted On: Nov 5 2005 9:36pm
amazingly, i helped draft those fleet rules at TGC. No credit was given to me of course.
Posts: 936
  • Posted On: Nov 6 2005 12:08am
Oh, okay, because I think I read somewhere like 6 months ago you were following gungan council rules unless specified. Just curious. And I've already read the rules like 4 times.
Posts: 2164
  • Posted On: Nov 6 2005 12:33pm
I was TGC's founder... and then I was outed. No. Really. :p
Posts: 2
  • Posted On: Nov 6 2005 3:10pm
Not that anyone would care, but the Gungan Council Takeover rules is at least 350 posts in the thread and there is no minimum number of planets per faction.

Here is an example: http://p089.ezboard.com/fthegungancouncilgunganvssithbattleground.showMessageRange?topicID=3795.topic&start=1&stop=30
Posts: 3599
  • Posted On: Nov 6 2005 4:02pm
Was that just someone from TGC advertising?...lol

Welcome to TRF Sky. ;)

We didn't follow TGC's rules, because we're not TGC, (not being derogatory or anything just stating a fact). We initially had our own version of fleeting rules which we worked out for ourselves, several times in fact.

They did however initially (ie: when TRF first started) Derive from TGC's fleeting rules they had in place, which in itself, I think derived from a set of rules from SWFans.

(though don't quote me on that as I may be mistaken).

Hope that makes it clear.

TGC kinda splintered off from SWFans, and we kinda splintered off from TGC.

Its all kinda moot now anyway, since we don't use them anymore.

We felt the focus wasn't quite right, so (hopefully) we shifted it more to character and storyline, rather than just out and out' fleet number crunching'.
Posts: 1109
  • Posted On: Nov 7 2005 12:15am
seth you are correct, TGC's rules were first taken from SWFans.