Posted On:
Dec 19 2007 7:24pm
I go to click on a forum page, like Rebel Cafe or OOC forum, and it only displays the new posts from yesterday, not the new posts from today. In order to access those posts, I have to click on the link from the latest post. Of course, if there is more than one topic, I can't access it. I've already tried closing the browser page and opening a new one. Recommendations to solving my problem?
Posted On:
Dec 19 2007 10:25pm
Go to your User CP.
Make sure your forum display options are set to your liking.
That is all.
Posted On:
Dec 21 2007 3:52am
No, that is not the problem. I tried switching accounts, per example, and clicked on Rebel Cafe again or any of the other forums with new posts. It'll instantly load the page from two days ago, and switch me back to my main account.
Posted On:
Dec 21 2007 11:09pm
If I goes into new posts in the taskbar above, and try to click on certain new threads, it won't let me go there, or see the new posts in the old threads. Still waiting on some advice....
Posted On:
Jan 18 2008 2:15am
Could you clear cookies for me, and let me know if that works?