Posted On:
Jan 18 2008 11:44am
For some reason my avatar settings are much smaller than what they should be...Note: The maximum size of your custom image is 50 by 50 pixels or 156.0 KB (whichever is smaller). Can anyone help me out?
Posted On:
Jan 18 2008 3:22pm
Mine says:
Note: The maximum size of your custom image is 150 by 150 pixels or 19.5 KB (whichever is smaller). So somehow I can have more 3x more pixels, and but only an 1/8 of your KBs. Kind of odd.
Posted On:
Jan 18 2008 5:25pm
Your avatar's still 150x150 though... or are you referring to another account? I've never had anything other than what Corise just mentioned.
Posted On:
Jan 18 2008 10:41pm
I would guess that one of the sub-groups you are a member of has smaller settings, for some reason. Are you having trouble uploading images, despite the restriction?
Posted On:
Jan 18 2008 11:08pm
Yeah, it won't let me upload a new avatar at all and gives me a limit message. It's strange because it is not affecting the size of the one I am using now.
Posted On:
Jan 19 2008 1:11am
Well, can't the administrators manually change your avatar's size from the admin cp?
Posted On:
Jan 19 2008 4:56pm
Note: The maximum size of your custom image is 150 by 150 pixels or 48.8 KB (whichever is smaller). I sure am! Thanks Titus!! :)
Posted On:
Jan 19 2008 6:46pm
Why are everyone's max file sizes different?